gift giving

  1. Switch Every gift is a loved gift

    v1. 6. 9 build 40 I recently started a new 1.6 save file and realised that for some reason every single gift that I give to a villager is a loved gift. At first I just thought that me a amount of loved gifts has been updated but then I learnt that they weren't changed and to test I have random...
  2. Switch Panning doesn’t work

    On Switch Ver. Panning doesn’t work, the copper pan is unresponsive even when there are glimmers in the water. I am also experiencing the same issue with loved gifts as per the other people posting where everything registers as a loved gift.
  3. Switch Every gift is registering as a loved gift

    On Switch since the latest update. Single player. Every gift is registering as a loved gift. Previous gifts given are showing as loved in the NPC gift tab regardless of if it is loved or not.
  4. hottabych91

    Ask before giving a gift

    How many times did you accidentally present a wrong item to a NPC? Or the item you didn't plan to present. Please add a dialog "Are you sure you want to gift %Item_Name% to %NPC_Name%?". It would really save me a lot of stress!
  5. Windows Sandy Birthday Gift Bug

    Sandy won't take gifts on Fall 15 of Year 1 during her birthday with Emily, and no gift icon pops up when hovering over her with an item in hand. She also does not show on the villager list. I am on Windows 11in English, single-player, kbm, on the new 1.6.10 patch. Save file attached
  6. My birthday

    Out of all the constant residents in the town, including Leo and Sandy, everyone have birthdays except us? I just thought about this because today is my birthday and I was thinking about how animal crossing remembers your birthday and the animals throw you a little party. My thoughts are...
  7. Fluorke

    Coding Help Unique responses for specific gift?

    (English isn't my native language, so I hope you will understand what I mean lol) Hello, I've seen similar threat already somewhere, but it was posted few years ago and it doesn't have answers. With the new update for SV, some NPC's have unique responses for specific gifts. Like, for example...
  8. Switch winter star feast - crashes after i give the gift

    i’ve played through the day 3 times now and it’s crashing just after i give shane his gift. he thanks me, the screen goes dark as if to start the next cutscene, and the game crashes. i tried pepper poppers twice, then a gold star hot pepper.
  9. Shane and Pam loved gift. Beer abstinence.

    After a certain point, Shane and Pam try and avoid beer. It should ceese to be a loved gift then. Maybe disliked/hated?
  10. Linux Game sometimes crashing when giving gifts

    Sometimes when I give gifts to the NPC the game randomly freezes and then it just quits. It's difficult to recreate because I can sometimes play for many hours before it happens again, but the only common reason I've seen is gifting. I've tried the default settings for the game on Steam Deck...
  11. Question Consistent item ID

    I'm looking for some help with fixing up my Context-Sensitive Gift Cursor mod. Basically, it adds an icon to the cursor that will quickly show if an NPC will like an item you've got in hand. It wokrs well in general, but has some issues with nonstandard gift giving, including certain quests...
  12. Switch [BUG] Game Crashes after giving gift in the Feast of the Winter Star

    So I was playing Stardew valley on my switch and my secret santa gift was for Maru. Never experienced any issues in the game (except for my cat being annoying in the doorway, still love her though). However, when I gave maru her gift, she accepted and said thank you, then, the screen went black...
  13. StefunnyDoodle

    We should be able to pick our birthday!

    Idk about you guys, but I’m always on top of it when it comes to birthday gifting the community.. I feel like the player does so much for the town with nothing in return! We should be able to pick a day in a season as our birthday, then one person(at random) out of all the folks that you have 5+...
  14. Xbox [BUG] Crash after Gift Feast Winter Star

    After giving the gift to your secret Santa recipient, the game crashes every time. 1.5 update on Xbox.
  15. PC [BUG] Feast of the Winter Star

    I’m updated to the latest version but I still got Leo as my NPC for secret Santa - Leo doesn’t appear at the feast so I can’t trigger the gift exchange.
  16. PC [BUG] Spouse row on relationship tab is the only one with no tracker for "talked to today" and "gifted them today"

    What the title says. I understand you can gift your spouse everyday, and that makes the tracker a bit redundant, but I would argue that precisely because you can do it everyday they're the easiest to forget about. EDIT: And I just noticed that the kids don't have the "talked to today" either...
  17. redbobcat

    Tip: Easy gift giving

    Figured out an easy way for myself to give gifts to villages that I meet randomly during the day. This is NOT including birthdays, because for those I always try to give “loved” items for extra bonus. The tip is to always carry a stack of these 2 items in my bag: First item - Pale Ale. Easy...