
  1. Windows Someone know how to fix it?

    i download stardew in steam and have a problem, my game only runs in 32bits compatibility even being 64bits, because of that i can't pla w/ mods, soemone know how to fix it? When i try to run the game in normal version it doesn't open and stop running.
  2. iOS Help! The App crashing for months now!

    Hello, I can’t start the app - it immediately crashes down. After I press load and start my game file, the loading screen appears, and I see my character in bed, starting a new day, but after that the game crashes immediately. This has been going on for months now and I’m really tired of it. I...
  3. Xbox Every time I buy an animal my game crashes

    Every time any day I buy an animal my game crashes I have no clue what to do
  4. Xbox [HELP] My game crashes when me and my sister try an purchase animals

    When we first started playing the game I was able to purchase chickens but now when she goes to try and purchase chickens and I'm trying to purchase cows it's freezes out game and we have to fully quit the game and go back in if we want to continue playing but cannot purchase animals anymore...
  5. GalacticWooWoo

    Windows [BUG] Game crashes when talking to Elliot

    So my friend married Elliot, and on the farm where he hosts, the game crashes every time he talks to him. It makes no difference whether I'm in the game or not, and despite his entire game crashing, no error logs appear. He also tried reinstalling the game and verifying the integrity of the...
  6. PC [HELP] Game Crash

    Hello, my game keeps crashing as I try to sleep to the next day. It will crash as soon I as sleep. And then when I start the game back up my character will have no energy, items in my house will be in my pockets and other items will be moved around the house. It will be the same day as it was...
  7. PC [HELP] Game crashes when opening inventory

    We are currently playing stardew with 5 people we have 2 mods "unlimited players" and "unique children" we somehow got a horse stuck in one of the houses after that every other time we open our inventory the game crashes for that person. It has yet to crash the host though. Not sure if horse is...
  8. Panduh

    PC HELP - Error when Launching

    Issue - I load my save file.. it immediately crashes the game. Looking for someone to help me with fixing my load save file. I unfortunately did not backup my save file before editing it. I was simply trying to change a log cabin for my friend because they wanted the stone one and ever since...