galaxy sword

  1. S0urAc1dM1lk

    Hammers or swords??

    I keep hearing that the galaxy hammer is better than the sword, I just spent my last two prizzy shards and forged my hammer to the artful enchantment so the special attack is faster. Did I waste my Shards or is this actually worth it??
  2. Android weapon damage reduction bug

    Todas as minhas armas tiveram seu dano consideravelmente reduzido, inclusive o martelo que só dá no máximo 80 de dano com a habilidade e os anéis que uso. Não consigo avançar nas minas pois até os morcegos dão mais dano que eu e são praticamente imortais... Não uso mods e meu jogo foi baixado...
  3. Switch I keep getting Haymaker and Bugkiller

    We play multipler on the switch and have gone through dozens of prismatic shards at this point and only get Haymaker and Bug Killer, sometimes Vampiric. Does anyone know how to break this loop or if there's plans for a fix?
  4. PC (1.5 Spoiler) Help! Galaxy Sword turned into Walking stick!!!

    When I tried to forge my galaxy sword into the infinity blade with three galaxy souls it turned into a walking stick! and when I tried to "unforge" it I didn't get any of the gems back and it is still a walking stick.
  5. (spoilers?) Best uses for prismatic shards?

    I've finally got my hands on two prismatic shards and was wondering if it would be a wise decision to use one of them to obtain the galaxy sword. I still need one of them or dino mayonnaise to complete the missing bundle at the jojo mart. I thought it would make sense to get the galaxy sword and...