full screen

  1. Windows Broken Fullscreen

    Whenever I switch the game from windowed to fullscreen, the display freezes on whatever was last on screen. Sound effects and music continue as normal so the game is still running, but the display is bugged. The problem persists even when switching back to windowed and is only resolved by...
  2. Sylxn7

    Windows the game crashes when trying to maximize the window

    I decided to go back to the game recently, when I install it and try to play it I find that it works fine until I try to play it in full screen or maximize the game, it just freezes and after a while it stops responding. when i try to make it fullscreen from the start menu it goes fine until i...
  3. Solved Full screen on macbook M1 (camera notch) cuts off part of game content

    With full screen apps, mac seems to put a black bar of pixels to mask the notch - but stardew is true to full screen dimensions of the screen which causes the very top of the screen to become cut off, cannot see the clock/time
  4. Windows [BUG] V-Sync not working.

    Until the update 1.5.6 i had zero problems running Stardew Valley. Now, strangely, i have a screen tearing problem. When i go to full screen mode, my screen is tearing no matter what. Even though the V-Sync is on, the screen still tears. My only solution to this was hiding my taskbar and playing...
  5. PC [BUG] Game crashes, when resolution is changed

    Everytime I change the resolution or toggle windowed/fullscreen mode from within the game (on farm, not in main menu) the game either crashes instantly, or puts me back to the main menu and crashes when I try to reload the farm from there. After restart the game starts with the changed...
  6. PC [BUG] Screen flickering when moving sideways on 1440p monitor (Fullscreen/Windowed Borderless/Windowed)

    Hi All! I've been having this problem since I got the game and I really couldn't get around it. The only solution was to slightly change the zoom level, but this made the game a bit blurry. This light flickering with almost invisible diagonal lines occurs only when moving sideways, doesn't...