
  1. Jihad

    iOS Item doesn't disappear after being sold using Controller + Touch (infinite money)

    I accidentally found an easy money glitch by using both touch screen and controller while selling items at any store. I'm not sure if it's 1.6 related, i'm new, first time playing it after 1.6. # The glitch Go to any store, talk to the guy to see the buying list. Open your inventory (either...
  2. iOS Bug/Exploit - Junimo Hut - Math problem

    Type of phone: iphone 13 mini Game version: 1.5.6 build 46 (Arkade) Details of your issue: when there are items in Junimo Hut, and you have the same items in backpack (over 999 all together), than you can double them by moving from Junimo Hut to backpack slots. Screenshots/video: issue on yt...
  3. Gavvv24

    Windows I have found an exploit to do with Infested floors

    So basically, i was in the mines, and i thought i'd try something out. Since the mines are like Skull cavern, in the way the floors generate, every time you go back to that floor, the enemies respawn, along with the ores and rocks. So with the infested floors, you can kill as many enemies as you...
  4. margotbean

    PC [BUG] Multiple statues of perfection

    PC (Steam) v1.5 English Singleplayer Reported on the Chinese wiki, tested and verified in English. If you have a full inventory and hit a placed statue with a pickaxe, you can then go to Grandpa's Shrine and obtain another statue. You can free up one inventory slot, take the statue, place it...
  5. PC [BUG] Two minor bugs related to Clint.

    1. When receiving a metal bar from Clint (one of either copper, iron or gold) it is possible to simply start over the day to get a different one such as one that was originally iron turning into gold. 2. When you've given a tool to Clint to be upgraded, when you give it back it is possible to...
  6. 1.5 Exploits and Glitches that still work?

    So I just recently got the game for PC after playing on Xbox, but I tried an exploit that I used to do because money, but found it doesn't work on the newest update. Does anyone else know of other glitches and exploits that either work or have finally been patched? The one I tried was the one...
  7. Solved [EXPLOIT] 1.5.x Cookout Kit

    As the subforum description explicitly states, I will post it here. The new cookout kit sells for 3000g. Comparing that with the low effort crafting materials of which two can be easily bought in large quantities (wood, coal) and the third can be mass harvested as of 1.5.x through a recipe...
  8. PC [BUG] *SPOILER*** Mr. Qi Request box duplicates Rings

    When placing a ring in the request box for Mr. Qi you can remove the ring multiple times. I am assuming this is unintentional and should probably be fixed. I'm not sure if there are other items this applies to so it should be tested.
  9. Solved 1.5.1 Cookout kit = infinite money

    Technically not a bug, but probably worth a report. Material costs for cookout kit: 15 wood - 150g year 1, 750g year 2+ 3 coal - 450g year 1, 750g year 2+ 10 fiber = 50 stone at desert trader - 1000g year 1, 5000g year 2+ Total cost on year 1 is 1600g, year 2 an onwards - 6500g. With sell...
  10. margotbean

    PC [Exploit] Selling Sunflower Seeds

    Sunflower seeds purchased from JojaMart sell to Pierre for 100g instead of 20g. With v1.4, the exploit in which seeds purchased from Pierre sold back to him for 100g was fixed, but not seeds purchased from Joja. Thanks! p.s. The exploit part is that you can add harvested seeds or seeds...
  11. Cheats for Switch or IOS?

    I currently have version 1.4.4 for switch and none of the cheats or glitches I’ve looked up work for me. Are there any that still work for any of you?