easter egg

  1. coffin

    Windows Main menu alien easter egg bug

    It's gonna be a minor one, but when you click on the language button in main menu after doing the alien easter egg thing (in the main menu) and then close it, the black box that the alien was standing in, it likes moves to the left? You can do it multiple times so the box moves out of the...
  2. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Reference?

    Hi all, I'm very new to this game and made an account on this forum exclusively to post about this. My girlfriend and I have been playing for like a week or two now and she just discovered the "Red Plate" which has the description of "Full of antioxidants." I made this connection because red...
  3. Iridium Krobus Fishing out of bounds glitch

    Was just messing around with an out-of-bounds glitch (the weapon movement one) around marines and decided to fish near the sewage outlet. When i fished there i got a present with a statue of an "iridum Krobus".
  4. PS4 [BUG] Shrine of illusions Easter egg PS4

    I don’t know if I’m messing something up but when I try to do the item code name at the shrine the brackets don’t pop up, it was in the patch notes so I feel we should have it but idk hopefully bug and not that we can’t use it🥺