
  1. Windows Bug loot drops

    I was in the mines of my single player world, year one, and I swipe at a bug and it drops... a "Walnut End Table" double checking the wiki the bug definitely does NOT drop this item. And as far as I am aware this is a bug and not some quirky easter egg. Ill edit this when I end my day with the...
  2. MidgetHedgehog

    Galaxy Soul Question (1.5 spoilers)

    i obtained a galaxy soul from a mushroom in the harder mine when you change it to the harder version i was just wondering what the drop rate was as i can't seem to find a drop rate for it and other places say i should only get it during a quest but i wasn't in a quest at the time.
  3. noobsqoou

    PC [BUG] Drops get launched off screen when harvesting Slime Balls in Slime Hutch

    I don't know if this is some sort of collision effect occurring between enemies and items, but something is causing the items to get bumped around when harvesting them – sometimes completely off screen into the void space around the room. I've tried combining rings with magnetic effects in order...