crop growth

  1. hottabych91

    Windows Wild plants shown as dead

    When you plant wild seeds, a crop is shown using a random sprite. Sometimes it uses a dead plant sprite! But they aren't dead (it's easy to check with a scythe - they won't be destroyed), if still being watered, they turn into a mature plant . Seems like many other people encountered this bug...
  2. Tukis J

    📌🗓Calender Stickers/Markers 🗓📌

    - :clock: I think the calendar is good for the player to keep track of events in SV, but wouldn't be better if it could be customized more, like maybe if we buy a hundred crop type Pierre would give us stickers like if we buy a hundred pumpkin seeds he would give the player pumpkin stickers to...
  3. PC [BUG] Rounding Error when Calculating Time for Crop to Grow

    So I was trying to figure out why a yam takes 8 days to grow with agriculturalist instead of 9 days, and I came across the following code from protected void...
  4. Android [BUG] Minor visual bug - one-harvest crops

    Hello, I found a minor visual bug and I want to report it. If you harvest crops while holding seeds, the green indicator squares don't show up until you plant one seed. Once you plant it, any empty field will be marked as green. Platform: Android Version: Device: Motorola G8 Plus
  5. PC [BUG] Crops can still take longer than expected to grow (1.5.1)

    In vanilla, this only affects Taro Tubers, but if higher crop growth modifiers are added either in future patches or by mods, it can affect other crops. The highest modifier in vanilla is 68% (Irrigated + Agriculturist + Hyper-speed Gro), and with Taro Tubers that results in 7 days removed...