
  1. Switch Crafting perfection help

    I've collected all the recipes (I think) and crafted them all, but it still says 99% complete for crafting. Have I missed something or is this a bug? Edit: omg it took me ages to figure out it's the quality bobber I was missing. I checked my crafting pages to the crafting wiki a million times...
  2. Switch Workbench not showing number of items in chest when crafting

    Workbench is set in between some chests (three above, one in bottom right corner). i can craft items but in the workbench menu it doesn't say how many of each item I have in the chests surrounding (eg. can build bomb but ore/coal count is 0). game version: v1.6.9 build 37 english, single player...
  3. MissyFarm

    Switch Total amount of materials does not appear when using crafting table

    I have a crafting table surround by 5 chests and I was going to try and craft something and all my materials showed up as red zeros. I'm pretty sure this wasn't the case before 1.6 was released. If I click on one of the icons, I can still craft it. So it's mostly an appearance bug or something.
  4. Switch Required items for crafting and cooking visual issue

    All required items for crafting and cooking are red when opened through the menu and workbench even if the item is lit up when the required items are met. Like, the Wood Fence requires 2 wood. Even though I have 717 wood, the requirement marker is red as if I don't have any at all. Issue is for...
  5. TiTiMc99

    Switch Crafting Text ALL Red 1.6 Switch

    I am playing the 1.6.9 build 36 version on my Switch console, and every crafting/cooking recipe is showing red text for every single item, regardless of if I have this item or not. This means that when I go to cook/craft and see that I cannot make something, I have to check every fridge/chest to...
  6. Windows Tree Tap is not showing up

    I play the steam version on my PC I have level 4 foraging already I just barely noticed because I was going to craft some but my tree tap is not showing up in my crafting menu
  7. Windows My Tapper Crafting item does not show…

    Help, my foraging level is 3 but I cannot craft a tapper to get my maple syrup… it does not appear in my crafting tab at all. Even in the second page, how do I fix this?
  8. SMAPI Crafting Collections page 1.0.3

    See what items you have crafted, and how many! Track progress again all crafting recipes in the game, not just the recipes you have!
  9. tapper recipe not showing

    hello! ive been playing the new stardew update and the tapper recipe has not shown up in my crafting page even though i am already level 3 in foraging. anyone know what might be the reason?
  10. Windows No Ancient Seed Recipe

    Donated my first ancient seed to Gunther a while ago and got the plantable ancient seeds. Today I found another ancient seed and went to craft it into plantable ancient seeds, only to realize I don't have the recipe. I went back and checked the museum rewards, but the recipe wasn't there. Is...
  11. Xbox No quality bobber recipe

    I completed the big meat quest and watched the cutscene, but I do not have the recipe to craft the quality bobber.
  12. iOS I can’t craft even when I have the materials

    Hello, I am trying to craft a quality sprinkler for the first time. I do have all the materials in my backpack but it won’t give me the option to craft one. Am I missing something? It says I am Missing a gold bar but I have it in my backpack. Please help 😭
  13. Switch Problem with crafting machines

    I am playing the 1.5.4 version and suddenly I am not able to place items in crafting machines to make cheese, mayonnaise, seeds, or other items. When I go to craft something, I try to place the item and it disappears over my character’s head but does not go into the machine. The item is still in...
  14. Crafting Achievement help

    Can anyone help figure out the last crafting thing I need for the achievement? I've compared my lists to the wiki, triple checked everything to be sure I've crafted everything but can't figure out what I'm missing. Hoping a pair of fresh eyes can help figure it out
  15. Ally Fenz

    Windows [BUG] My UI Button has disappeared.

    The UI (Menu) button that allows me to craft, check friendships, take screenshots, check achievements, etc., has disappeared. I checked it on all save files. Some of them had the button for quests, but none of them had the menu button. Has it been moved in an update? I haven't played on PC in...
  16. Perfectionist Achievement - Crafting 98%

    Hi! I'm running into an issue playing where when I check Mr. Qi's perfection tracker, it shows my crafting recipes made at 98% however, when I use it shows that I have crafted and completed everything. Not sure if it is related but when I use...
  17. BlaDe

    Be able to craft multiple items when holding Right Click

    1.5.5 came with the welcome addition to purchase and craft in stacks of 25 when holding down both Left Control and Left Shift. When buying items, holding down right click lets you quickly purchase items. Holding Left Shift and Left Control lets you buy in stacks of 25 fast. When crafting...
  18. PC [HELP] Crafting stuck at 97%

    I've been trying to reach true perfection for a few months now, and I'm almost there. There's just one problem. After I finished crafting the last recipe (Desert Warp Totem), the board in Mr. Qi's house that shows how close you are to perfection shows crafting still at 97%. I had gotten the...
  19. Switch [BUG] New recipes aren’t appearing after I get them

    Hey I’m having a problem, the new recipes aren’t showing up and I can’t craft the ostrich egg incubator or the farm computer despite unlocking the recipes, I really need these recipes it’d be good if someone could fix this
  20. nikkiboe

    Switch [Bug] Crafting blueprints not appearing?

    Hi, I'm not sure if this has been posted before (I didn't see anything recently at least?) but I'm having trouble getting the crafting blueprints in my single-player game. I will receive it in the mail, but it then doesn't appear in the crafting section of my menu, even when I scroll down. I've...