club card

  1. Xbox Can't obtain club card

    I play on xbox and got the quest for the club card, completed all the steps but cannot pick up anything from the log pile on my house. Cannot restart the quest as the box in the tunnel is gone. It's been a long time in the game since I've completed them and it feels like all hope for it is gone...
  2. Switch [BUG] Club Card Missing in MP

    My wife and I started a new MP game recently on switch and I got the club card after completing the quest as usual. I got disconnected right at the end of the day that I obtained it and the pass disappeared from my wallet and I can’t get it back. It’s not in the lost and found. I can’t get it...
  3. Mac [BUG] Wallet Items Disappearing in Co-Op

    Well after emailing support and getting no response, I thought I'd try here to find a solution. I play on Mac, my partner plays on Windows. He is the host. We've had continuous crashing issues that we've been able to just accept and deal with until now, it's damage is becoming flat out...
  4. Niborius

    Solved [BUG] 2nd player didn't get Club card

    Hi! So my friend and I both completed the Mysterious Qi quest. My friend, who is the second player in the server, actually completed it first, but after she clicked on the lumber pile and seemingly received the Club card, it never got into her key items wallet. Now I also completed the quest...
  5. Windows [BUG] Club Card bugged multiplayer

    Hello, My gf and i are playing stardew multiplayer together and she has the clubcard altho ive completed all the quests i cant get the card from the woodpile anymore. ive gotten it once and then the game crashed and the day didnt save, even tried redoing the quests but the battery wasnt taken...
  6. Windows [BUG] Club Card Missing

    Playing in a multiplayer world (not the host) and i have completed the club card quests, collected the club card from the wood pile but its not in my wallet anymore. the ouncer also wont let me in. The sand dragon tells me to go to the wood pile still but when i try to interact nothing happens...
  7. PC [BUG] Casino Card Disappeared in Multiplayer

    Hello there, I had a little issue while playing with my friends in Multiplayer. I have done the Mr Qi quest and won the Club Card, but my game crashed at the end of the day before the saving. On the next day the Club Card was missing, the Bouncer is gone but I can’t enter the Casino. I have...
  8. girlbossgina

    PC [BUG] Club card missing?

    Hi all! So basically i completed the quest to get the club card but my game disconnected (i am playing in multiplayer) and now i cant get it. The quest is gone but the club card is no where to be found, i've tried to still get into the casino but it wont allow me. Are there any other options? I...
  9. DaniChaos

    PC [BUG] Club Card Disappeared

    I'm player two in a Co-Op farm. Both the host and I received our club cards. The next day we took a trip to the dessert to use our new cards. The host got past the bouncer in Sandy's shop. I could go up the stairs but was immediately transported back to the bottom of the stairs. I checked my...
  10. PC [HELP] Club card

    Hello, I am unable to get my club card to access the casino. I have followed the wiki, but nothing. It was a good bit ago that I believe completed the tasks, but I remember putting the solar essence in the skeleton, I did all of the tasks prior to installing any mods (I have the sdv expanded mod...