
  1. JuliaStar

    Switch Switch Bugs

    Just updated to and have two bugs so far 1. String of code instead of counts for the monster slayer quest (incomplete) 2. Crash when opening artifact troves at Clints shop (happened twice in a row with nearly the same string of events during the day). Crash details "software...
  2. Switch Issue with workbenches and kitchens

    I’m playing on Switch version, and I’m having an issue where the workbench/kitchen aren’t working properly. I can still craft/cook with items in chests/fridges, but the text box doesn’t say how much of a material I have in storage if it’s not in my pockets. For example, in the picture...
  3. Fredd8

    Option to remove auto-sort button in inventory

    I have a particular way I organise things in my inventory and chests, and I would occasionally hit the auto-sort button on accident (it's too close to the x button) and mess everything up. it would be nice to be able to turn it off so I do not have to manually sort everything again.
  4. Switch Placed Chest items don't stack with non-placed Chests

    Chests that have been placed and picked up again now no longer stack with other crafted Chests that haven't been placed. For some reason, placing a Chest changes its "state", and stacks separately from Chests that have yet to be placed in the world. Nintendo Switch, 1.6 update No screenshot...
  5. Windows Big chests replacing little chest bug

    On my original play through Ive started replacing the Regular chest with Big chests and noticed that while the sprite changes for the chest the usable internal size remains that of a regular chest.
  6. TastyFish

    Windows Reward Chest became a plant

    Not sure if this is a bug or a feature! I was on level 20 of the mines doing remixed rewards and after emptying the reward chest (I got a wooden club), I clicked it to remove the chest like usual and it became a House Plant! It was like when you break a chest and it becomes a small chest, but...
  7. Xbox Disappearing Chests

    Hi! My fiancé and I are playing vanilla multiplayer on xbox one. We were working on the house second upgrade. We had four chests with fruit, veggies, flowers, and forages in the main bedroom to the right. When Robin finished upgrading the house, the veggies and forage chests just disappeared...
  8. Ferris Bueller

    Riverland Farm Here's a tour through my sheds
  9. Issue Chest and menu won't open in co-op

    In game, everything works fine for the host, but when I go to the menu it won't open. I tried to use my chests to craft something but they won't open either. How could I fix this issue?
  10. Switch [BUG] Quick stack shortcut bug

    If you press "R" in a chest the cursor automatically goes to the "add to existing stacks" button, letting you quick stack quickly. However, if you do this and then move the cursor to an item to manually store it in the chest, clicking on it will move the item but also move your cursor back to...
  11. Windows [BUG] Warp Totems Not Teleporting When Opening a Chest

    Hi! I was trying to warp to the desert and mid-teleportation opened a chest which canceled it and wasted my totem. A good solution to this will be just to give back the totem if this occurs or disallow interaction with chests/furniture while warping. This bug isn't something big to worry about...
  12. Lew Zealand

    Your storage chest color coding

    Inspired by @imnvs post in the Naming Chests Game Suggestion section, what is your color coding system for your storage Chests? Me first, ooo! ooo! Me first, pick me! Green - Veggies Light Green - Veggies I don't like Yellow - Forage (like Veggies, but not as good) Red - Fruit Orange - Fruit I...
  13. Issue Can't Access Chests inside House

    Hi, new to modding!! I installed a bunch of mods and they were working fine until today. I suddenly can't open any chests/cabinets inside my house. I think I know what caused it, but I'm not sure how to fix it. Today I installed two new ones for designing my character(clothes, hair, etc). I also...
  14. Issue Upgraded house, can't access chests

    I have quite a few mods and haven't had any major issues until now, only a few cosmetic oddities. I upgraded my house and when it expanded, it didn't move my chests/personal items, and now I can't get to some of my chests. I've attached a screenshot, and below is my SMAPI log. Any advice on how...
  15. PC [BUG] Walk Through Chest Bug

    Hi guys. :wink: I found a very minor chest bug that hardly affects gameplay but I'd thought I would let ConcernedApe know. I tried to upload a video but it would not upload for some reason. This bug allows you to walk through chests. This bug occurs when you place down a carpet & you try to...
  16. PC {BUG?} Weapons/Tools stored in chests do not fully respond to the 'Organize' button.

    I'm not sure if this is intentional, but it doesn't seem like it should be. I have a couple of wooden chests containing only weapons and tools that I've collected from killing monsters in caves. Hitting the 'Organize' button doesn't sort them at all. They will stay in the order in which I drop...