cant open

  1. Clash53

    Android Can't transfer old files

    It someone know why the old files can't read in the game that cause crash if you open it.
  2. Windows [HELP] My game don´t open

    I bought stander vallew on steam 2 months ago and i was playing normaly, but yesterday the game didn´t open. I tried everything that i found on internet but nothing worked, including open the exe without the steam launcher, reinstall the game (in the same local and in a HD), downloading and...
  3. iOS [HELP] Can’t Open Save Game

    I’m having a problem with my game where I can’t open a certain save slot. I’m playing the ios version on the iPad Air 2 2016. At first I couldn’t open the app at all, I would see the splash screen but then it would crash, so I made a backup of the save game, deleted the app and then redownloaded...