bugs newest update

  1. PlayStation Glitches when using workbench

    I’ve been playing local co-op on PS5 on the newest update (1.6.9) and have experienced a ton of borderline-gamebreaking glitches, most of which have already been posted here. The latest one is an issue when using the workbench—it shows the amount of an item you’re currently carrying in your...
  2. iOS Poor controller support

    Got a bluetooth controller for SV on ios but it disappointed me with its poor controller support. Found these issues: Scrolling through items in the backpack does not have an indicator where the cursor is at Cannot select sort button Accessing journal via controller does not work Should have a...
  3. Chuleno

    Windows TEXTURES BUG

    i found this textures bug while putting a silo ver: 1.6.7 Lenguaje: Spanish Single Player
  4. Android My atack power slowed ..

    My atack power slowed after i update the lates patched i have galaxy hammer with 2 enchant.. before the update i can still kill the enemy in the volcano in 5 swings but now even in 20 swing i cant im level 25 farming...
  5. Android [HELP] weapon not doing dmg

    I don't know what triggered this but a few days ago my weapons standard attacks no longer do any damage. The animation plays, it contacts the enemy, and knocks them back but no damage number shows and no matter how many times I hit the enemy it never dies. The secondary attack still works...
  6. Switch [HELP] The X artifact spot

    Earlier this year when the update was released I noticed a peculiar X artifact spot on the beach near the west side. I dug it up and got treasure, such as a golden coconut and even a artifact trove or two. Later on looking for a snake spine i noticed the same X spot and thought why not dig it up...