
  1. Rex_xir

    iOS 1.6 update

    Heyyy, I’m having issues with the wallpaper, everything else is doing good it’s just the game for what ever reason isn’t allowing me to place wallpape. It was doing this before I upgraded the rooms in my house but I thought it might fix when I upgraded but I was wrong. ive updated the app...
  2. ..?

    Switch Animals Disappearing on Meadowlands Farm on Spring 2

    I was playing on Spring 2, Year 1 watering my cauliflower seeds then I go to my coop to pet my chickens then they're both gone. They were in the coop so no wild animals attacked them. I looked around seeing if they were in the grass they were not I checked the new tab and it was empty. My...
  3. iOS Minor Bugs

    Hi guys, This is my first time reporting a bug, so if I'm not clear enough lmk. First up, I'm playing on mobile (Iphone SE 2nd Generation) and currently playing on the Spanish Version. The first bug has to do with the fishing channel (after Pam tells you about it). Whenever I tune in...
  4. advil

    Android Inventory HUD overlaps day cycle

    As you can see in the picture, the inventory HUD overlaps with the day cycle. I tried resizing both, hoping it would fix the issue, but it still doesn't work. Android English Single player build 24314
  5. bigtiddyggf

    Xbox monster dangler bug ???

    I’m playing on XboxOne (1.6 ofc) and I’ve had this happen multiple times: When I wake up every morning, I call Robin to see what furniture she’s selling that day. Sometimes when I call, it says she’s selling the monster dangler. This is one of my favorite wall decorations in the game so...
  6. Xbox Game Glitch

    There's not much explaining I can do other than this: when I try to play an online game with a friend(I'm hosting) we cannot use bombs in any which way without one of our games crashing. If I use a bomb, it makes my friends game crash. If he uses a bomb, it makes my game crash. The game closes...
  7. iOS bugs found

    Hi, today I was playing Stardew Valley on IOS 17.7.1 today and I noticed 2 bugs. I recently updated my game to 1.6 and today when I went down to the Wizards Tower to change my appearance, I paid the 500g fee but as soon as I clicked anywhere on the menu, my whole game crashed. I updated the game...
  8. Switch Small Bug

    Currently am playing in Fall year 4 (switch, 1.6.9) and everytime i go to a different part of the island, all of the floating leaves are stacked on the edge of the screen and will float out all together all at once. It's very strange

    I have tried my best I even deleted my startup_preferences to reset all my files but nothing worked SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP PLEEEASE I BEG
  10. Windows Feast of the Winter Star Secret Friend Bug

    I was married to Shane, but we got divorced before the Feast of the Winter Star. Then, I received an email from Lewis saying my secret friend for the festival was Shane. At first, I thought it was a joke or some kind of Easter egg, but then I found out it was just a bug! 😂 On the day of the...
  11. Windows I can’t join multiplayer with a join code???

    My friend and I have been trying to play multiplayer for hours but nothing has been working. It never comes up with the join code option. We are both on windows and my friend has the option, but I never do. Even when I host, it doesn’t give me the option of inviting anyone or having a code. I’ve...
  12. Windows Minhas máquinhas não funcionam | My machines don't work

    Oii gente!!! Não consigo colocar ovos nas máquinas de maionese e também não consigo colocar leite nas máquinas para fazer queijo. Alguem já teve esse problema e sabe como resolver por favor?
  13. Android Community Center Bundles not show up :(

    i was playing on mobile version, and when i unlocked community center, this thing happen (photo below) when i open to see bundles, there is no bundle shows up. I can enters the bundles to see item requires, but have the touch randomly on the screen to access it. It just right there but...
  14. iOS There is a bug with the fishing line

    You see every time I play Stardew valley on mobile there is this weird thing where when your done fishing you can still hear the noise when you have the fish in the green line and it really is starting to anger me since I need the sounds so I know where to go panning for ore but another crazy...
  15. Xbox No option to renovate other than these

    Help please, when I try to renovate and add rooms it only gives me the option to add the corner and southern room, also remove the bedroom wall, but nothing other than that, and it also doesn't charge me, is there a reason why it's doing that? I play 1.6 on the Xbox 1
  16. Windows I can't enter co-op. Black screen appears and mouse cursor remains stuck while loading

    First of all, I deleted and reinstalled the game to fix this. I verified the files on Steam. I tried without mods. And these didn't work. The problem is, I'm in co-op, Since we are friends on Steam, my friends' games appear on my screen. I click and enter the game. Then I choose myself. After...
  17. Bunny Macomb

    Windows Pierre's shop closing time

    I remember his shop closing at 5pm and it let me in all the way up to 9pm which I thought was weird, on his shop note thing it says: "Open from 9am-9pm" but on the map it says "9am-5pm" Is this a glitch or a bug, idk but I just noticed it
  18. BlueRondo

    Windows Animals not moving during the day.

    Hi, I'm playing a multiplayer game with two friends and I. In Year 2 and for the last in-game week none of my animals move during the day. They will walk out in the morning to a specific spot and then not move for the rest of the day. They go in at night as well. But do not move in the time...
  19. Windows Fish (Crayfish) not registering in collection tab

    Hi, I am currently in the process of maxing out the fishing collection. The last fish I have to register is the Crayfish. I have caught it successfully multiple times in the crabpot, but it is not registering in the collection system no matter what I do. I have tried removing all mods...
  20. Magically Clueless


    PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES IN YOUR GAME HERE! Please be aware that spoilers ARE allowed in this thread! A template you can follow: explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens); full error text (if any); what OS you are using; in-game language; single-player or...