
  1. Switch Glitch string of code text (Monster Eradication Goals, weddings, SquidFest, etc)

    Instead of “5 beans required” or whatever it usually says when you try to insert less than 5 coffee beans into a keg it’s now saying a random line of code “localizedtextstrings” something. This is only since I just downloaded the update on switch and reloaded
  2. Solved Painting bug - Book in Wizard's tower

    If you interact with the marked book in Wizard's Tower, you can buy "buildings" such as the golden watch. You have four options for these buildings and one of them is to paint it however you like. If you click on that option, you see your farm and you can move around like normal. But if you...
  3. Pea-San

    Help! Can't get Craft Master Achievement (SMALL SPOILER?)

    Hello! IDK wherelse to ask for help so I went here- So I'm on my way to trying and achieve the "Perfection Achievement", I'm 99% on the progress but I'm stuck at the crafting and still haven't gotten the "Craft Master" one. The image below shows my craftable items, crafted them at least once...
  4. Switch Switch Fishing Bug

    Hey there! Longtime stardew player here and this has me stumped. So, I just started playing Stardew on switch for the first time since the 1.6 update. I’ve been playing on my phone for a while, but decided I wanted to do it on the big screen. The only problem I’m having is trying to fish. While...
  5. Windows I married with Penny and she decorate my room but my items is DISAPPEARED SHE SAY İTEMS İS İNSİDE OF THE CHEST BUT CHEST İS BUGGED İN WALL

    I married with Penny and she decorate my room but my items is DISAPPEARED SHE SAY İTEMS İS İNSİDE OF THE CHEST BUT CHEST İS BUGGED İN WALL my statue of perfection disappeared im in 5. year
  6. Windows Crap Pot Duplication Glitch

    In multiplayer mode, it is possible to duplicate the Crap Pot with the help of a second player! To do this, 2 players have to collect a crab trap placed in the water at the same time. (Right-click) This ensures that the game thinks that both players are picking up the same crab cage and both...
  7. Billybobjoe:>

    Switch Divorce bug

    So I want to get a divorce but every time I try and sleep the game will just crash. Everytime I try I sleep it crashes it just doesn't let me get a divorce 😭🙏
  8. Android Game interrupts

    Hello, so after the big update 1.6, the game just closes by itself. I lose everything I did throughout the day. Sometimes it even closes in the menu! It gets frustrating. Is it the game or my phone? Help me
  9. Xbox Raccoon shop not "expanding"??

    I've completed a few quests, and i get the notification that the shop has expanded. But when I open it up, its just the same 4 seasonal seeds.. If anyone knows how to get it to reset lmk!
  10. Windows A weird placement bug

    The video shows that the shed can be built 1 block higher but when i tried to build the shed same height same location I cant rlly place it coz of the grass patch
  11. Mac farm computer - joja cola machine counts as 2 machines

    I'm playing on macbook air m2 and I've noticed that Joja Cola Machine counts as 2 machines ready in the farm computer. Both machines are indoors. I'm playing the newest SV version via Steam. Not a big deal but I wonder if it's only me?
  12. Xbox I had a bug with My friend, please help

    So My friend he joins the game and he Goes back to the menu every 2 ingame days, it depends, and i have to keep inviting him back everytime, everytime he Goes back to the menu it appears the message: the server closed the connection, something like that, but i didn't quit the game, im still in...
  13. Android Horse went home when closing and opening the app

    I'm playing in Android Tecno Pova 5 pro 5g(V14.0.0) Game version: build 24327 Steps to replicate: 1. Bring your horse outside of your farm 2. Close the app (Exit tab) 3. Open the app and see that the horse is gone where you left it with your character 4. It instantly goes back home...
  14. advil

    Android Inventory HUD overlaps Day Cycle

    As you can see in the picture, the inventory HUD overlaps with the day cycle. Android English Single player build 24327
  15. Switch Dehydrator recipe missing after Purchase

    Hey, so from what I can find this happened to some people with the original release, but I've purchased the dehydrator recipe in the newly updated switch version and all its done is Take the money. The recipe is no longer buyable and the recipe also isn't in my known recipes despite having...
  16. ..?

    Switch Why is Alex stuck in the fence?

    I was just going to go to the mines and I see Alex stuck in a fence... he's my spouse by the way
  17. finnreportsbugs

    Switch I found a bug on my switch....

    So I married alex and w days later after returning from the mines he was stuck in the fence. It's not major (I think] but it's kinda weird, has any9ne seen this?
  18. Mac Empty Chest

    hi, pls help i’ve had my world for 4 in game years & i’ve never had any problems. today i woke up & checked one of my chests to see it’s completely empty. is this a bug or a glitch ? is my stuff just really gone ?! it was completely full & full of all of my fishing stuff + rare fish & more.
  19. Xbox Please Help!

    Every night, without fail, the game crashes right before our money is counted. I say "our" because this is a co-op game. We haven't had any issues prior to this, and we are both on the latest version of the game. We end up having to repeatedly replay the same day, and we can't find a fix for it...
  20. -.Sage.-

    Switch Impossible to divorce

    So I’ve been trying to file for divorce and my game keeps crashing when I try and sleep. Has this been happening to anyone else? I’m on switch.