bug 1.6.9

  1. mouahrara

    Solved [1.6.9] Buttons visibility when calling Robin [Linux]

    Information: OS Version: Unix Stardew Valley Version: 1.6.9 'beta' (build 24267) Description: When calling Robin with the phone and selecting the "Check building upgrade costs" option, the buttons (move, build, etc.) are invisible. However, if the resetBounds method is called, for...
  2. mouahrara

    Solved [1.6.9] HoeDirt texture connection with garden pot [Linux]

    Information: OS Version: Unix Stardew Valley Version: 1.6.9 'beta' (build 24267) Description: When a garden pot is placed next to a HoeDirt, watering the garden pot will connect the texture of the HoeDirt.
  3. Windows 1.6.9 Bug (Cannot Open Game)

    explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens): Game cannot open at all when beta is selected/downloaded. full error text (if any): No crash report, no text appearing, no nothing :( . what OS you are using: Windows 11 in-game language: English single-player or...