bug 1. 6

  1. iOS Cannot complete the quest, Qi's Prismatic Grange

    Hello. Hope somebody could take a look at this issue. Thank you in advance! Cannot complete the quest, Qi's Prismatic Grange iPhone 13 Pro Max - iOS 18.1 English Single Player build 24321 Delivered all items to Qi’s bin. Followed SV Wiki as guide for which items are acceptable as well.
  2. Android Game doesn't use adaptive refresh rate, sets to maximum

    When playing on my Android devices, I noticed a battery drain beyond more than usual for certain light games. I decided to check the refresh rate by making it visible in the developer settings. When playing Stardew Valley, instead of setting it to a constant 60hz, it actually set it to a...
  3. iOS Game keeps crashing at Mastery Cave and at Clint's with artifact trove even after today's update!

    Hi, I am playing single player on my iPad and noticed my iPad has the .3 new update, but it still crashes when I touch anything in the mastery cave and as soon as Clint gets an artifact trove on his table. It also crashed when I tried to get the chef make me a meal at the desert festival, but I...
  4. locoenchilada

    Xbox [Xbox Series X] - Monster Slayer Hero Completion Reversion

    Previously completed Monster Slayer Hero is now showing up as not completed - List of required thresholds appears as fulfilled on Adventurer's Guild list - Speaking with Gil does not resolve this issue Nothing occurred in game to show that the goal posts have moved on this requirement. Unable...
  5. Solved The game crashes when the iPad opens the antique treasure.

    When I went to "Clint" to smash the antique treasure, the game crashed! But smashing other crystal balls will not collapse. And my "Monster Kill Target" shows no longer the name of the monster, but a bunch of code. Who knows how to solve this? I have an ios system and an ipad.
  6. Android Small Black Screen

    Hello I have a problem here. My game always have a small black screen on right side. I can't see my stamina bar or menu button. Well I can still tap it, but it just I can't see it. Can you fix it? Thank You Game Version: Android Version: 6.0.1
  7. icarus-falls

    PlayStation Frozen animals & mines

    Playing split screen - Player 1 goes into the mines and it freezes often. No fix has been found aside from going out of the cave or going down a level to unfreeze. Player 1 animals also freeze until we have to restart the game completely.
  8. Windows Game crashing bug with raccoon

    hello, I found a bug/glitch that crashes the game so here is what happens. I wake up go to the raccoons check what they want, I then go to the traveling merchant and buy the two items that are juice and pickles that spawns in her stock I head back to the raccoons and open the bundle page which...
  9. Switch Missing pets?

    We started a new farm (local co-op) and on top of the usual bugs I've seen listed by others, about halfway through spring we noticed our cat despawned. He doesn't appear in our houses and his water bowl doesn't ever empty. Has anyone else seen this?
  10. Switch Switch new game 1.6 no rain in Spring + Fall bug

    Switch new game 1.6 no rain bug: Seems there is a bug where is no rain except for scripted days (Spring 3rd and Summer 13/26). However thunderstorms still appear to trigger normally, so you can get plenty of rain/thunder during summer. But still no normal RNG rain in the spring and fall. (So...
  11. Switch Bug in 1.6 when divorcing

    I cannot get a divorce. I've tried this several times. Everytime after going to bed the game crashes and closes out without savings.
  12. iOS Missão dos ovos não carrega a cena 😭😭😭😭

    Fiz a missão de colocar duas dúzias de ovos na geladeira do Gus e estava tudo certo. Quando entrei na taberna pra cena do pessoal comendo o omelete A CENA NÃO CARREGOU!!!! ficou tudo preto e uns textos em vermelho na parte de baixo que não entendi 😭😭😭😭 perdi essa cena que eu amo 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  13. iOS Leah Marriage

    I play of iPhone iOS 16, and I when I got married to Leah (27th of Summer) this text popped up. Furthermore, after there were no space for gifts or the extra 14 hearts
  14. Solved Mastery cave crashing

    When entering the mastery cave the game crashes upon interacting with anything.
  15. oli._.var

    Switch Blackscreen after Ice fishing event (1.6 Switch)

    So I have just started playing stardew again on the new 1.6 version on my switch. My save file is currently in year 6 (i think) and this bug didn't happen before. After finishing the fishing contest I was supposed to be back home, but the usual transition blackscreen didn't end and there was no...
  16. Solved Game crashing when break Artifact Throve

    Game crash when clint open an artifact throve (and Gus Giant Omelette Cutscene is error)
  17. Solved Mastery Cave and Artifact Trove bug

    When I try to interact with anything other than grandpa’s note inside the Mastery Cave the app kicks me out. It doesn’t close though, but the game restarts. The same thing happens when I try to get an Artifact Trove opened by Clint. iPadOS 17.6.1 English v.
  18. Switch Island trader doesn’t sell golden coconuts

    On the 1.6 Switch update, the island trader is not selling me golden coconuts, even after I have cracked several.
  19. Solved Stable

    Why is my stable floating? When I started changing colors it, and then replacing it. It's annoying because my horse is staying outside her stable and it's like there is an invisible barrier which is disrupting.
  20. Protato

    Switch Divorce error

    I have currently been trying to divorce Emily. I got to the mayors house and file for divorce and when I go to bed it just comes up with and error and kicks me out of the game. I have tried at least 20 times with different strategies. I am on year 6 and it would annoy me if I had to start...