bug 1. 6

  1. PlayStation Online co-op stopped working.

    I created an online co-op game with my cousin yesterday. We played for about 3 hours with no issues, but when we got back on today, it just wasn’t playable. When my cousins tries to join, he gets a console error saying “Something went wrong.” I also get this error after being in the save for a...
  2. Lilla18

    Switch Poppy Flower sorting

    I saw that flowers and such were updated to also sort by color, but the poppy RED and WHITE(?) (I wish they were labeled their colors in the descriptions) of regular quality still switch places when auto-sorting. Not a big deal, but thought I'd mention it. Playing on Switch in Coop split...
  3. Windows Food/Eating Soft Lock Glitch (Animation Cancelling)

    I realise likely this is more of user error than anything but I thought it was interesting and wanted to make note. Especially since I never had this issue before the last patch. I've been having issues on 1.6.15 for a couple weeks now with eating food. Sometimes I will get soft locked when...
  4. Windows Fishing Bar Magnetism Glitch

    I had thought I was lagging hard whenever there were difficult fish, like Catfish or harder. But I realised that it wasn't a lag but rather the fishing bar would get "stuck" on the fish whenever it left the bar. I'm not sure if is meant as a mechanic to help make fishing easier by making the...
  5. Switch [] Unable to load secondary farmer save after update (JotPK bug?)

    Unfortunately after the latest switch update (the patch to fix the patch), my ~90 hour near perfection farmer save on my partners' split screen farm won't load - as soon as I select the save to load, the entire game crashes. I've had no issues until this patch, my other farms (with 2 farmers in...
  6. Switch Issue obtaining Rusty Key on Switch

    Hello, I am on my second year of Stardew. Everything I have read online says I should either get the key for the sewers through Gunther if I collected 60 museum items, or if I approached Marlon in year two on a rainy day. I have done both and still have not been given the rusty key. Suffice to...
  7. PlayStation Pam wont even go near the bus stop

    I did the bundle, year 3 currently on sun21 fall. It's been about a month since she last went to the stop. I tried gifting her beer to get her to go as that worked for someone else but did not work.
  8. PlayStation Mermaid Show Bug

    I entered the Menu During the Mermaid Show and when Exiting the Menu, the Show had frozen and almost All sound effects had disappeared until I closed the game
  9. Switch Crashing while playing multiplayer and game stops a second

    Hi hello! I’m here to report my first bug in the game. I’ve recently updated to the newest version and while playing multiplayer with my partner her game keeps crashing every now and then. We’ve had it happen 4 times or so just playing a couple of in-game days. Also while playing I...
  10. JuliaStar

    Switch Switch Bugs

    Just updated to and have two bugs so far 1. String of code instead of counts for the monster slayer quest (incomplete) 2. Crash when opening artifact troves at Clints shop (happened twice in a row with nearly the same string of events during the day). Crash details "software...
  11. Switch Switch Pet Deletion Bug

    I'm playing local co-op multi-player on switch with a farm started after the 1.6 update. We're in Spring 15 Year 3 and the pet (dog) we got at the beginning of the game no longer appears on the farm or in our animal list at all. It had full hearts. Its water dish still exists and is filled. It...
  12. PlayStation Bug: Kent and Haley stuck near bus at the desert festival

    On spring 15 at the desert festival, Kent and Haley have gotten stuck near the bus entrence on the desert side, Kent is trying to go to shop and Haley comes back home.
  13. Windows The lamps inside the houses in the town don't turn on at night.

    - I haven't played Stardew Valley for a couple of years, and when I started again I noticed that the lamps inside the houses in the town don't turn on at night. When I played a few years ago, the lamps did turn on. I don't know if this is normal in this new update or if it's a bug. - v1.6.15...
  14. Solved Crashing bug when opening Artifact Troves

    Ever since the update that came out a few minutes ago, whenever I get Clint to break open a Artifact Trove the game immediately crashes just before he cracks it open !
  15. t7sukki

    SMAPI not launching game

    First of all, I apologize for any errors. English in not my first language. Since the update of March 01 (2025) my SMAPI is crashing a lot and simply doesn´t work anymore. I tried everything, even got rid of all my mods (all downloaded via Nexus - including SMAPI), uninstalled and then...
  16. Switch Crashing bug, Adventurer's Guild Door

    Hi, apologies if this has already been posted. If I click on the door in the Adventurer's Guild to go into the back room I get the error A problem occurred and the software has to close. Tried twice and had the crash both times. Clicked on the door previously before updating to 1.6.15 and no...
  17. Switch Able to walk through closed gate

    Hello! You are currently able to walk through a closed gate from the north if you are central to it. Unsure if on other versions of the game. It's slightly temperamental and you have to be pretty spot on central! Other half found it whilst playing this evening :)
  18. efelkay

    Mac Mines elevator allowing access to floors not yet reached during Danger in the Deep quest

    This occurred during a multiplayer game with one farmhand. I (host) am playing on a Mac, and my partner plays on Windows. Both of us are on keyboard and mouse, rather than controller, and playing in English. The bug occurred on version 1.6.15 build 24356. During our most recent play session, we...
  19. Switch Event script error, Robin's hardwood quest cutscene ( ver)

    An error occurs when entering the mountain between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m