android bug

  1. espacesinfinis

    Android Android fishing meter instantly bottoming out

    Hi! Some of the time (maybe 1 fish in 3), when I'm fishing on the android version of the game, the fishing meter is going along just fine until it mysteriously, instantly, hits bottom. No animation of it falling, just the fish gets away. I've been playing most days recently and only today...
  2. Android Tool size bug

    Everytime we enter the game/load save the vertical toolbar is always bigger than it suppose to. it will only back to its set size when you view the setting tab. Please fix this. I'm playing on Android 14 My phone is Infinix Note 40
  3. Solved [Android] Crash when opening artifact trove

    Game force closes when opening artifact trove at Clint's. Happens each time I've tried and haven't found a workaround. Started at most recent patch Playing on Android, single player, no controller. I also am experiencing the Mastery room crash that other's have reported, so not sure...
  4. Android Mobile duplication glitch(android tab)

    I'm on mobile(android galaxy tab s7) playing single player version on a keyboard and mouse and when I shift left-click on an item when the first row of inventory has an empty spot it would duplicate video link of the glitch:
  5. Android Golden scroll in community center won't activate

    I am playing on an android tablet. When the community center first opens in spring of the first year, I try to activate the Golden scroll in the lower left room, but the scroll will not activate. It will, however, activate in summer. This problem reoccurs each time I complete a scroll. The...
  6. Android BUG REPORT asino is broken

    I found a couple bugs like auto swing doesn't work when holding the attack button and this one
  7. Android My Shipping Bin isn't working!

    Help me please! My shiping bin won't let me put items in, the rearrange & sorting button is overlap each other too. I
  8. kiryoku

    Android Crash when using Altar of Illusion

    Hello. My English is strange because I use a translator. On Thursday, April 20th, I went straight to the basement with 4 Sorcerer Hearts. As soon as I paid 500G and used Altar of Illusion, the game crashed and returned to the home screen of my smartphone. I opened the game, loaded from a file...
  9. ranboozler

    Android Perfection tracker is too big :(

    there's still four stats above "great friends %" that I can't see since the text box is absolutely ginormous. is there any way to make this smaller?? i have a vague idea of what the stats are but it would be very nice to actually, yknow, see it.
  10. Android Abigail sleeping inside the Saloon

    *Cellphone Type: Galaxy j6 prime Android 10 (updated version) *Details: Inside the Saloon area, outside the walkable area, it is possible to see Abigail sleeping. I saw her walk to that spot, close her eyes and stop. She is behaving as if the Saloon area is her home/Pierre's Store.
  11. Android Crashes in cutscenes

    *Cellphone Type: Galaxy j6 prime Android 10 (updated version) *Details: When some cutscenes start, the game freezes momentarily, and can close by itself, I witnessed this in the cutscene of Alex on the beach.
  12. Android Very misaligned fishing mini game bar

    *Cellphone Type: Galaxy j6 prime Android 10 (updated version) *Details: When the player is at a point on the map where the character can touch the corners of the screen and starts the mini fishing game, the bar present in it will be off the center of the screen.
  13. Android Job selection screen showing nightly

    *Cellphone Type: Galaxy j6 prime Android 10 (updated version) *Details: Since I leveled up in Farming, Gathering, and Mining, job options for those three categories appear nightly. (happened three nights in a row; this is not happening with Fishing, and my character's Combat isn't level 5 yet...
  14. Android Bug nas conquistas

    Eu já entreguei todos artefatos do museu mas não recebi a conquista para o 100%. (Mobile-Samsung A50)
  15. Android Bugs 1.5

    Anyway, I love this game, but when I try to open the screen to select the saves of my farms, the game has a dark screen and closes right after, this after the 1.5 update
  16. Android Lost Book found from fishing, stays in Inventory

    I've been sent here from Reddit, hello Type of phone: Android, Game Version is on mobile -> is 1.5.6 build 36 Details of your issue: I was fishing on my farm and got a treasure chest, got this book alongside 3 other items. Book stayed in my inventory - I went to bed after so my game saved...
  17. Android 1.5 bug report

    Caterpillar s42 Android 12 The game keeps crashing while starting new game
  18. Android Stardew valley 1.5.6 bug

    Android/data folders can't be accessed from android 11 and are impossible after android 13 so please try something like minecraft. See images below.
  19. Android Zoom too much in cutscenes

    *Cellphone Type: Galaxy j6 prime Android 10 (updated version) *Details: The field of view of the cutscenes is very small (default) and prevents the player from seeing some things, like in the sewer intro cutscene, where it is not possible to see the children behind the player. Even if the zoom...