
  1. staubmotte

    Solved Stardew Valley 64-bit

    Hej peeps :) I've always been lurking around here and your posts helped me so often! Thank you for that! BUT now I got such a specific problem, that I had to sign up here and post it XD At first here are all of my mods I am using in both, 32-bit and 64-bit: As you can see, there are most of...
  2. Tomat

    Custom Stardew64Installer - Windows 64bit Stardew Valley (SMAPI-Supported!) 1.1.8

    Stardew64Installer Making OOM errors obsolete since 2021! Stardew64Installer is a console program that is navigated through a command-line interface. It's designed specifically for Windows and is absolutely useless on other platforms, given how Unix-based platforms all are already 64-bit. See...