1.6 bug

  1. Switch Can't find dehydrator

    I saw online someone mentioned a dehydrator and when I looked it up it said you can either buy the recipe in Pierre's or you'll get the recipe if you pick mushrooms for the cave on your farm, which I did. I went to Pierre's and there's no recipe so I assumed I had it, but I cannot find it...
  2. Windows Incorrect background generated in mines

    I was in the dangerous mines on floor 42, which is in the Magical Forest section, and the floor generated (one of the new layouts from 1.6) was visually one of the Bone Castle section (floor 70-79) The correct mobs and rocks etc spawned, just the background was wrong Here is a screenshot for...
  3. Windows Crops vanish randomly despite scarecrow

    Hi there! I play on Windows 10, Single Player World, Meadow Map, and registered several times that crop went missing although correct scarecrow placement and no weeds around them. I'm sure I planted crops, as they had already at least halway or fully fully grown and as such were clearly visible...
  4. Windows Book of Power Won't Show Up in Collection

    I have been hosting a farm with a second player. Both of us have found every single Book of Power. However, two books won't show up on the second player's collection page. They are "The Alleyway Buffet" and "The Book of Mysteries". I can confirm that she has found and read both. Are there any...