1.6 bug

  1. Android The character is not displaying and cannot be moved.

    Problem: 14th day of the summer in the 4th year, I saved the game after watching TV and closed it. When I tried to play again, the screen stayed stuck on the greenhouse in the middle, and the dog and Junimos that should have been there were not visible. Also, no matter how much I tapped on the...
  2. Switch Ginger Island West Freshwater fishing areas not producing correct fish

    On Ginger island it seems that in Island West there is an issue with the freshwater fishing areas. The pond as well as the river (past the southernmost plank) are both fishing up ocean fish. I fished up exclusively ocean fish from all of the Island west freshwater fishing areas. I am...
  3. heyitsNoct

    PlayStation Ginger Island Achievement Bugged 1.6

    Not sure if this is just a console issue or not but I’m playing on PS5 and cannot get this achievement to unlock with the new update. I’m on my main save file in year 10 and already have the island unlocked. I’ve tried going to the bottom of the dangerous mines in the valley, I’ve completed Qi’s...
  4. Switch Glitch string of code text (Monster Eradication Goals, weddings, SquidFest, etc)

    Instead of “5 beans required” or whatever it usually says when you try to insert less than 5 coffee beans into a keg it’s now saying a random line of code “localizedtextstrings” something. This is only since I just downloaded the update on switch and reloaded
  5. 2sdaynight

    iOS Spouse Dialogue Same Every Day

    Like the title says- back at the Stardew grind again and noticed that my spouse is giving me the exact same dialogue every day, most days of the week, usually only broken up by event dialogue (though most of the time she does not acknowledge events that day and still says the same thing) - I...
  6. DragoReborn7

    Linux Stuck on "Connecting to online services" screen when trying to play co-op

    Arch (Garuda Linux on the Zen Kernal) v1.6.15 build 24356 When trying to play multiplayer, I cannot get past this connecting to online services screen. I have already tried: Restarting my pc and steam Using a different network Uninstalling and reinstalling Stardew Running steam in both runtime...
  7. Windows Base game bug that errors with certain modded furniture lists

    Version: Stardew Valley 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 11 Pro Language: English In rare cases, the game can encounter errors when using the "ALL_ITEMS" game state query condition. It seems to depend on the number of furniture items in the game, as well as their internal IDs, due to a...
  8. Switch Mastery levels maxed after latest patch

    After the patch, my mastery levels maxed out (I still needed one or two more). I know this might seem like a cool bug, but it was a huge bummer. It took away a major goal of the game for me and gave me the rewards without having earned them, which felt really lame. I doubt it's...
  9. Switch Switch split screen

    Is anyone else experiencing major lag in the game? Me and my girlfriend love Stardew and ever since the 1.6 update our game is essentially un playable the crashing is bad enough but can be dealt with but our major issue is the fact the game is lagging really bad for example our characters will...
  10. Switch Trinkets downgrading

    I’m playing on a co-op farm and both of us have experienced our equipped trinkets downgrading from the highest levels (level 4 parrot and level 5 fairy) to level 1. We didn’t reforge them; they’ve been equipped this entire time… they downgraded while equipped and so I grabbed another level 4...
  11. Windows Winter Foraging Bundle Reward Single Item Quantity Glitch

    My daughter and I were playing a Co-op game using the Meadowlands Farm, and my daughter discovered a glitch. My daughter accidentally clicked the reward for the Craft Room - Winter Foraging Bundle in the Community Centre, collecting 1, instead of all 30 seeds. We returned to the Craft Room...
  12. iOS Watering can reaching effect not working

    My watering can is iridium level and i have the bottomless enchantment and everywhere I read online it says the reaching effect should work but it does not. I have tried everything to get it to work and it does not. Help ?
  13. Switch Raccoon shop not expanding

    I just finished giving juice and pickles to the raccoon after he said he was thirsty and everytime it says the raccoon shop has expanded its always the same. I play in single player, no mods, Nintendo switch, pro controller, and in English. It says I'm in v1.6.9 build 37. Sometimes when I finish...
  14. iOS Current 1.6 glitches for iOS

    I hope I’m doing this close enough to the guidelines, and given I’m on mobile I can’t upload the save game to my knowledge. I apologize if these have been frequently reported. Last time I reported glitches on the forum it did it too a master thread, but I can’t find it. I’m not a regular on this...
  15. Pearlseverance

    Windows Animals walking in place indoors

    explain the issue: Barn and coop animals will sometimes randomly start walking in place, and during this time, are unable to be petted or milked. Instead, the status page of the animal shows up, where the options to sell or relocate animals are found. The only workaround for this bug is for the...
  16. Switch Clothing Disappeared After Dresser was Picked Up and Stored

    I'm in Winter of year 3, and I picked up my dresser to redecorate and fully expand my house. After a few days (not able to revert to the previous days save) I placed the same dresser and all of my clothing was gone. I tried sleeping after placing the dresser and it did not revert back. Placing a...
  17. emillyfarmer

    Android problems moving buildings

    so, I'm having trouble moving buildings around, I just can't move them to the bottom of the map, even though there's nothing obstructing it, I click where I want to place the building and it doesn't move.
  18. Switch Golden coconuts

    Island trader does not have golden coconuts to trade even after I opened my first one?
  19. Switch Raccoon shop not expanding

    I have completed many deliveries and have 4 baby raccoons, I get the message saying the shop has expanded but I still only have the 4 seed types to purchase and nothing else.
  20. Switch Multiplayer Tent Use Permanently Crashed Game

    I play as Host with local multiplayer. My player 2 used a tent kit while I slept in normal bed. We went to sleep, game saved. We thought everything was fine and closed out of the game so we could play later. When we load up the game, as soon as player 2 goes to join in, the game crashes (typical...