
  1. Xbox [BUG] Defender of the Valley and 100%

    I have been playing on a co-op world on Xbox for over 100 hours and was finally getting to the last stages in Qi's room, The Defender of the Valley section/achievement. I completed the list in order, as best as I could and when I finally completed killing all 150 Magma Sprites, the achievement...
  2. Mystical Junimo

    Grandpa's Shrine + 100% Perfection Achievement

    There should be an achievement to get all four candles on Grandpa's shrine and 100% perfection I am pretty sure that there is not an achievement for those things
  3. Solved [BUG] 100% bug in the "Craft Master"

    Can someone help me? I'm trying to make the end of the game, and to be able to do that I would have to create all the items in the game, however I created all the items (including from 1.15) and the Xbox achievement does not release and in Mr.'s room Qi shows that I have only 93% of the items...
  4. PC [BUG] [Spoilers] Completely black background in area north of train tracks.

    Hi so I just 100% the game according to the in game tracker and unlocked the new area where you get a cutscene with your spouse and are shown the end credits. Well when I went there it looked like this: I could be wrong but i am pretty sure it is not supposed to look like this. Through out the...
  5. Standard Farm My perfect (and only) farm. 10 years. 300+ hours!!

    Hello STV Community!! I would love to share my last (and maybe final) layout. I hope you enjoy it. This is my only saving, also my first one. I played since the first public version and I have been playing for periods of time every update trying to get every single craft and item. I tried to...