Search results for query: Player Birthday

  1. Player should maybe have a birthday(?)

    All the npcs have birthdays, but not the player? I'm sort of on the fence on whether this would be a good idea or not, but if it *was* implemented, I would suggest that the npcs all just give gifts to them either that morning in the mailbox(gift quality and better item chance dependent on...
  2. Player birthday

    Why not, it will be logical
  3. Player's Birthday

    I think it will be nice for players to experience their characters having a birthday. Like, they will be receiving gifts and greetings from the npcs that they became friends with. Additionally, inviting the npcs when it's the player's birthday, we rarely see the npc visit our farms so I think it...
  4. Matthew T.

    Player Birthday

    At the beginning of the game it should ask you to set a birthday, or Mayor Lewis should come by your house and request your records/birth certificate. This will set your birthday on the calendar and townsfolk with 6+ hearts will give you a gift on this day. I thought this could be a fun event to...