PPJA - Tailor Mouse: A JA Clothing Shop

TMX PPJA - Tailor Mouse: A JA Clothing Shop 2.2.5

A new building near hat mouse (on the arrow-shaped island to the northeast) that sells clothing added by Json Assets.

Special thanks to Lumina for the stand design!
Extreme thanks to ChronicleCherry who basically make their Shop Tile Framework mod for us <3

- Includes coding for packs submitted to authors already & waiting for responses because it's easier. They will not be active without the packs installed.

TMXL Version
Provided courtesy of mouse#1836. This version is for users using SVE. This version will not be actively maintained and I will not assist users needing help with the TMXL version. If you need help visit the official SDV Discord or /r/SMAPI.

Why did you migrate to STF?
ChronicleCherry made STF largely out of a need we had which was the ability to add entire packs rather than individual items to shops. As with PFM, we want to support creators who make frameworks for us. With STF, we no longer needed to use lua to randomize the shop items & quantity. Finally, as of the initial release, TMXL does not natively support clothing and requires an unofficial update to work.

- Latest version of Json Assets
- Latest version of SMAPI
- Latest version of SpaceCore
- Latest version of Shop Tile Framework
- Latest version of Content Patcher

At minimum one of the following clothing packs:

- (JA) Syds Plaids
- BB's shirts mod
- Missy's Shirts
- Coii's Clothing Collection

These are the mods that have taken us up on our JA conversions to work in 1.4. If you don't have a pack installed it won't load.

Step 1. Install SMAPI, Json Assets, SpaceCore, Shop Tile Framework, Content Patcher, and a minimum of 1 of the listed packs.
Step 2. Download this mod and extract the zip file anywhere you would like. There are 2 files included in the download:

[CP] Tailor Mouse
[STF] Tailor Mouse

Step 3. Drag & Drop the extracted folder(s) directly into the /Mods folder.

Shop Only:
- Delete the pack from /Mods

Shop & Shirts:
- Delete every existing item made from this mod
- Remove the corresponding folder(s) inside /Mods
paradigm nomad
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Portrait Update

    Tailor Mouse got a face lift;
  2. New Clothing Packs and MFM

    Adds support for Ran and Lumina's Clothing Adds in MFM (letter) to trigger Tailor Mouse showing...