Brazilian Portuguese Typo/Display Text Errors

Magically Clueless

Staff member
Please report the errors you find here!

Please include:

  • The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.
  • Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
  • Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)


This post summarizes obvious issues in Portuguese text based on the previous thread, reviewing the game code, and changes in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6. Feel free to mention any other issues in new posts below.

(Issues in purple affect most or all languages.)

Pre-existing issues
  • In Strings/Buildings, missing translations for Paint_Region_Building and Paint_Region_Trim (building paint menu region names).
  • In Data/BigCraftablesInformation, the description for item #165 (Auto-Grabber) is outdated. The English text was changed in 1.4 to say "must be placed inside a coop or barn" instead of "works for cows, sheep and goats" (e.g. it also works for rabbits now).
  • In Data/hats, missing translations for item #36 (Panda Hat).
  • In Strings/Shirts, missing translations for:
    • IslandBikini_*;
    • SunsetShirt_Description ("A shirt inspired by the most evocative time of day").
  • In Data/ObjectInformation, possibly missing translations for:
    • item #903 ("Ginger Ale" kept as-is, same in Data/CookingRecipes);
    • items #922-924 ("Supply Crate" kept as-is).
  • In Characters/Dialogue/*, missing MovieInvitation translation for Evelyn, George, Kent, Linus, Pam, Pierre, Robin, Willy, and Wizard.
  • In Characters/Dialogue/Emily, the translation for winter_Tue4 ("Aposto que sua habilidade na fazenda é excelente!") doesn't match the original text ("I think my hair is frozen solid...$s").
  • In Strings/Characters, missing translations for MovieInvite_Spouse_*.
Secret notes:
  • In Data/SecretNotes, the translation for entry #1009 is missing the newer enchantments.
  • In Strings/credits, missing translations for "Links" and link text at the bottom.
  • In Strings/EnchantmentNames, possibly missing translation for Starburst.
  • In Strings/Lexicon, missing translation for GenericPlayerTerm ("farmer");
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translations for:
    • Game1.cs.2771 ("PlaySlots");
    • TemporaryAnimatedSprite.cs.5152 ("fuse");
    • Utility.cs.5643 ("The Nose");
    • Slots.cs.12117 and Slots.cs.12118 ("Bet10" and "Bet100").
  • In Strings/UI, missing translations for:
    • Character_FarmNameSuffix ("Farm");
    • GameMenu_ServerMode_Offline and GameMenu_ServerMode_Online ("Offline" and "Online");
    • CoopMenu_Host ("Host");
    • Darts_Bull and Darts_Bullseye ("Bull!" and "Bullseye!");
    • DisplayAdjustmentText ("Press up/down to adjust the screen size to fit your display").

New in Stardew Valley 1.6
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translation for PurchaseAnimalsMenu.ChooseLocation (used when buying animals if you have animal buildings in multiple locations).
  • In Strings/Buildings:
    • Missing translation for BuildingSkinMenu_ChooseAppearance (used when choosing a building skin).
    • Missing translation for Construction_ChooseLocation (used in the carpenter menu when multiple locations allow buildings).
  • In Data/BigCraftablesInformation, missing translations for item #221 (Item Pedestal).
  • In Data/ObjectInformation:
    • Missing translations for all items with category Litter -999.
    • Missing translations for item #742 (Haley's Lost Bracelet).
  • In Strings/Objects, missing translation for:
    • CactusSeedsOutside.
  • In Strings/Shirts, shirts with male/female variants have been split into separate items, with an (M) or (F) suffix in the name. These should be translated if needed.
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translations for:
    • FarmComputer_Intro_* (the title shown in the Farm Computer summary);
    • Attack_Miss (short text shown near monster when an attack misses).
  • In Strings/Characters:
    • Review the Relative_* translations (which were based on the old Data/NPCDispositions).
  • In Strings/Locations, missing translation for Backwoods_MonsterGrave.
  • In Strings/UI, missing translations for...
    • AGO_LegacyRandomization and AGO_LegacyRandomization_Tooltip (shown in advanced game options UI).
    • NextPage and PreviousPage (used when paginating the location choices when multiple locations allow buildings).
    • Carpenter_ChangeAppearance (button text to change the player skin, shown in the carpenter menu & building paint menu).
    • Item_CantBeUsedHere (shown when rain totem is used in a disallowed location context (like the desert), and may be reused in the future).
  • Strings/WorldMap (new asset)
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Here are previous user reports that still apply in Stardew Valley 1.5.6 and 1.6-alpha (and aren't covered above). Note that it's up the translators to decide whether reports are correct.

In the Gus' six hearts event dialogue, the verb to stir (pt: mexer) was mistranslated as "mecher".

View attachment 4132

In a conversation with Willy, there was a mistranslation, too. The word "mecher" is a wrong spelling for "mexer". I don't remember what this event is.

View attachment 4133
Linus' Blackberry Basket was mistranslated as "Cesta de Mirtilos" (en: Blueberry Basket). On the 8th of autumn the blackberry season (pt: temporada de amoras) starts, not the blueberry season (pt: temporada de mirtilos). The basket should be translated as "Cesta de Amoras".

View attachment 4135


In her four hearts event, Jodi requests you bring a Largemouth Bass for her fish casserole. During the event, in the original version, she says Kent caught a fish, too, but Clint was mentioned instead Kent in the dialogue of the translated version.

The description for Mini-Fridge contains a typo. The word "conzinhar" should be "cozinhar".
On Linus quest (the one you get on the mail on fall 8th, year 1), he will ask you to help him find his basket. However! On the english version, he says that its blackberry season, but on the portuguese version, he says that its "mirtilo" season... Mirtilo means blueberry (a summer crop), the right one should be amoras that means blackberries;

Again, when you find the basket, the name of the basket is "cesta de cerejas" which doesn't make sense because cerejas means cherries (which is a spring crop), so the right name should be "cesta de amoras" like the fall foraging crop.
On the letter Kent send to the player, he says that he wants to give a "fruta-estrela" to his wife. However, fruta-estrela is stardrop in portuguese and he meant starfruit which, in portuguese, we call carambola.
There's a few errors here and there - like in the word "mexer" - it's with an x and it's written with ch (mecher); in some dialogs from Penny, Jas is referred to as Jasmim and in the scene from the "fish dinner" quest from Jodi, the text says that Clint ate the first fish (instead of Kent).
The problem is with one single word of the dialog with Gus when he comes to my farm to give me the Jukebox.
The word "mecher" (to mix in english) is written with X, and not CH. So, the correctly is MEXER.
It's a super common mistake in Brazilian Portuguese because X and CH have the same sound.

View attachment 12099

EDIT: I found another translation error.

When Abigail see me being attacked by a monster, she says: "don't want to lose you"; in Brazilian Portuguese should be "NÃO QUERO PERDER VOCÊ", It's missing a single letter, O.
this dialog could be more intimate, I would suggest to translate this way: "EU NÃO QUERO PERDER VOCÊ". Sounds so much more intimate.
The difference in English is: "DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU" to "I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU". The "I" before don't want to lose you sounds so much better.

View attachment 12103
Here is just missing a space after mesmo, should be: Eu poderia ir lá pegar por mim mesmo, mas....

View attachment 12104

Here is the same thing, just missing an space after the three dots. Should be: eu sei... logo um homem como eu.

View attachment 12105

Now the third error is a little more complicated to explain, basically we are talking about formal language and informal language.
When you speak this way: "TAVA TE ESPERANDO" It Is not "wrong".
The correctly form to write this is: "EU ESTAVA TE ESPERANDO".
I know It's sounds weird, but this is the correctly way to write this.

View attachment 12106

The last one is Krobus name in the image below, It is written KROBOS...
Just a typo I guess.

View attachment 12107
The translation for "Survival Burger" contains a typo. It's translated as "Hambúrguer de sobreviência", it should be "Hamburguer de sobrevivência".
The quest below in the image, related to bringing George a pepper, incorrectly describes the name of the requested item, the correct being Pimenta Quente instead of Pimenta Picante.
View attachment 14511
View attachment 14513
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Hello, I was playing the game again and found two little errors.
On the mini-fridge item there's a misspelling, It shows "conzinhar" but should show "cozinhar" without the first N. And the second error is more complex and I believe is more like codding error than translating, but when u ask Robin to build a construction on your farm on the day before an festival she will say "Certo, vou começar a trabalhar na atualização depois de silo amanhã. Sempre tiro folga nos festivais" and that order is very wrong, she should say something like "Certo, vou começar a trabalhar na construção do silo depois de amanhã. Sempre tiro folga nos festivais". Note that I'm using the silo as exemple because that dialogue happened when I was trying to build a silo.


I was reading the game files and found over 150 errors, ranging from accentuation and missing letters to texture issues and characters misspelling their own names. What is the best way for me to report these errors? Here are some examples of what I found.


"AGO_Year1Completable": "Garantir Completabilidade no Ano 1",


chirívia or chirivia

Anel de caranguejo

The coal box is in the same tile as the pipes

Feira Vale do Orvalho in arial

(i made )

How is Pedro?

I have the corrected artwork and texts. I was planning to create a correction mod, but I discovered there is a way to report these errors. I am willing to provide these corrections.


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Hello Stardew Valley Team!
I found a common error in Portuguese when watching the movie at the movie theater.
The word "DERREPENTE" is written wrong, with 2 R's and together.
The correct way to write is "DE REPENTE", with 1 R and separately.

Stardew Valley 1.6.2 - running SMAPI 4.0.0 with 16 mods.jpg - Fotos.jpg



In the 1.6.2 version, the text that shows up after the Flower Dance Festival "That was fun!!!" was not translated (unfortunately, I wasn't able to screenshot the moment)


Hello again.
I found a non-translated text line.



Stardew Valley.jpg



Hi, there is a translation mistake when asking Robin to build a Slime Hut before festivals.
Robin says: "Certo, vou começar a trabalhar na atualização depois de casa de gosmas amanhã. Sempre tiro folga nos festivais."
It should be: "Certo, vou começar a trabalhar na atualização de casa de gosmas depois de amanha. Sempre tiro folga nos festivais."
(edit: inserted image)
Stardew Valley Screenshot 2024.04.19 -


The Portuguese version of Stardew Valley has an error when charging to upgrade the house to have a nursery. Even with the money and the hardwood, Robin says you don't have enough money.
I reported it on discord and they told me that the cost is actually 100 hardwood and 65k gold.
Please fix this, I was already thinking I would have to start the game over again.



When inviting Krobus to live in our house, the title "Housemate" is not legible, it is together with Krobus' name.
I even suggest that you put "Roommate" or "Best Friend", besides being shorter, it has a better meaning in Portuguese.

Ao convidar Krobus para morar na nossa casa, o título de "Companheiro de Casa" não está legível, está junto com o nome do Krobus.
Até sugiro que coloque "Colega de Quarto" ou "Melhor Amigo", além de ficar mais curto, fica com um significado melhor em Português.

I'm playing on Steam (Windows 11 / PC) and on Patch 1.6.5
Estou jogando pela Steam (Windows 11 / PC) e no Patch 1.6.5


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