Горное обновление


У меня довольно обширное предложение по обновлению гор
В локации с поездом слева вверху есть заваленная лестница, там будет проход в горы, где будет жить шаман, после знакомства он расскажет, что в горах обитают духи, и что если с ними подружиться, то они помогут, сделать несколько духов, после помощи определённому духу, он расскажет про своё старое ранчо в горах. После рассказа духа надо подойти к шаману, где шаман скажет, что может перенести тебя к этому ранчо, стоить это ничего не будет, так как шаман в долгу перед духом, однако для ритуала перемещения нужны определённые материалы. Для ритуала нужно создать восемь "золотой песок" который будет создаваться из камня и золота, и один изумруд. Отдав всё это шаману, он проведёт к себе в святилище, где всё это нужно разложить(изумруд посередине, остальное вокруг) и после этого нас перенесёт на другие горы. По сути это будет такая же независимая локация как и Имбирный остров. Я предлагаю там также сделать ферму, но сам дом нужно будет восстановить из материалов в горах. В горах большую часть времени будет зима, и только месяц в год будет лето. Однако там будут определённые растения, которые растут зимой. Пока что у меня из предложений можжевельник. Ударив раз в день по можжевельнику можно будет получить с него ветку можжевельника, а также раз в месяц он будет давать ягоды( их можно будет использовать для создания напитка в бочонке, получится крамбамбуля) однако при обычном поедании будет снимать здоровье. Можжевельник будет расти везде по горам, однако его можно будет садить самому(как деревья в долине стардью). Ещё предлагаю механику, как с мотыгой, что можно бить по земле киркой в определённых местах и получать за это руду/кристаллы. Есть ещё предложение сделать землетрясения, во время которых огород будет засыпать камнями, что можно будет прекратить построив в соответствующем месте опору, однако такие камнепады могут приносить полезные руды и кристаллы. Шахту я предлагаю реализовать таким образом: будет заброшенная шахта, где будет стоять вагонетка, садясь в которую, игрок будет ехать на случайный уровень шахты, а спуститься в шахту можно будет только дважды в день. Из строений я предлагаю восстановить присест для птиц, там(после вылупления яйца, о нём я напишу позже) будут ночевать орлы, однако днём их не будет, а с прилётом они будут приносить различные вещи, и скидывать перья, которые можно продать. Яйцо орла можно будет получить взобравшись на вершину горы, однако сделать это будет не так уже и просто. Добраться за один день будет невозможно. Я предлагаю такую механику: если игрок вышел до 15:00 то в промежутке между 20:00 и 00:00 он может дойти до хижины доброго голема, где восстановив кровать, и вернув артефакт голему, можно будет переночевать, а после продолжить путь в гору. Мешать восхождению в горы будут каменные големы и элементами воздуха, после убийства некоторых из них будут падать записки(анимация смерти элементаля похожа на порыв ветра, а записки будто приносит этим ветром). В этих записках будет писаться о волшебных свойствах можжевельника и о мести энтов(живых деревьев) если осквернить их святилище. Наконец, добравшись на второй день до верхушки горы, встречается локация, где будет гнездо орлов с яйцом и костёр. Если просто спуститься после этого, то все деревья по дороге начнут оживать и нападать на игрока, однако можно положить можжевельник в костёр, и будет анимация как с джунимо(будто общение во сне) с энтом НПС(не игровой персонаж), который скажет, что ты благословлён, и чистые духи больше тебя не тронут, путь вниз будет уже без монстров. С энтом вверху горы можно будет контактировать каждый раз, положив можжевельник в костёр, он будет обменивать разные ритуальные принадлежности, в основном для красоты. Ну и естественно я бы хотел видеть горную реку и горное озеро.
Just a translation:

I have a rather extensive suggestion for upgrading the mountains
In the location with the train at the top left there is a piled stairs, there will be a passage in the mountains, where the shaman will live, after meeting him, he will tell you that the mountains are inhabited by spirits, and that if you make friends with them, they will help, make some spirits, after helping a certain spirit, he will tell about his old ranch in the mountains. After telling the spirit must go to the shaman, where the shaman will say that he can transfer you to this ranch, it will not cost anything, as the shaman is indebted to the spirit, but for the ritual of transfer need certain materials. For the ritual, you need to create eight "golden sands," which will be created from stone and gold, and one emerald. After giving it all to the shaman, he will lead us to his sanctuary, where it all needs to be placed (emerald in the middle, the rest around) and then we will be transferred to the other mountains. In fact, this will be the same independent location as Ginger Island. I propose to make a farm there as well, but the house itself will need to be rebuilt from materials in the mountains. It would be winter in the mountains most of the time, and only a month a year would be summer. However, there will be certain plants that grow in the winter. So far I have juniper from the suggestions. Hitting a juniper once a day will produce a branch of juniper from it, and once a month it will give berries (they can be used to make a drink in a keg, get a krambambula) but will take away health if eaten normally. Juniper will grow everywhere on the mountains, but it will be possible to plant themselves (as trees in the valley stardew). I also propose a mechanic, as with the hoe, that you can hit the ground with a pickaxe in certain places and get ore/crystals for it. There is also a proposal to make earthquakes, during which the garden will be covered with stones, which can be stopped by building a support in the appropriate place, but such rockfalls can bring useful ores and crystals. I propose to implement the mine in the following way: there will be an abandoned mine, where there will be a wagon, getting into which the player will go to a random level of the mine, and to go down into the mine will be possible only twice a day. Of the buildings I propose to restore the bird squat, there (after hatching an egg, about which I will write later) will sleep eagles, but during the day they will not, but with the arrival they will bring different things, and drop feathers, which can be sold. Eagle egg can be obtained by climbing to the top of the mountain, but to do so will not be so easy. It won't be possible to reach it in one day.
I propose the following mechanics: if the player went out before 15:00, then between 20:00 and 00:00 he can go to the hut good golem, where restored bed, and returning artifact golem, you can spend the night, and then continue on up the mountain. Interfere with climbing the mountain will be stone golems and elements of the air, after killing some of them will drop the notes (animation of the death elemental like wind gust, and the notes as if it brings the wind). These notes will be written about the magical properties of juniper and about the revenge of the Ents (living trees) if you desecrate their sanctuary. Finally, having reached the top of the mountain on the second day, there will be a location where there will be a nest of eagles with an egg and a bonfire. If you just go down after that, all the trees on the road will start to come to life and attack the player, but you can put a juniper in the fire, and will animation as with junimo (like communication in a dream) with Ent NPC (not the game character), who will say that you are blessed and pure spirits no longer touch you, the way down will already be without monsters. With the Ent at the top of the mountain will be in contact every time, putting a juniper in the fire, he will exchange different ritual accessories, mainly for beauty. And of course I would like to see a mountain river and a mountain lake.


Just a translation:

I have a rather extensive suggestion for upgrading the mountains
In the location with the train at the top left there is a piled stairs, there will be a passage in the mountains, where the shaman will live, after meeting him, he will tell you that the mountains are inhabited by spirits, and that if you make friends with them, they will help, make some spirits, after helping a certain spirit, he will tell about his old ranch in the mountains. After telling the spirit must go to the shaman, where the shaman will say that he can transfer you to this ranch, it will not cost anything, as the shaman is indebted to the spirit, but for the ritual of transfer need certain materials. For the ritual, you need to create eight "golden sands," which will be created from stone and gold, and one emerald. After giving it all to the shaman, he will lead us to his sanctuary, where it all needs to be placed (emerald in the middle, the rest around) and then we will be transferred to the other mountains. In fact, this will be the same independent location as Ginger Island. I propose to make a farm there as well, but the house itself will need to be rebuilt from materials in the mountains. It would be winter in the mountains most of the time, and only a month a year would be summer. However, there will be certain plants that grow in the winter. So far I have juniper from the suggestions. Hitting a juniper once a day will produce a branch of juniper from it, and once a month it will give berries (they can be used to make a drink in a keg, get a krambambula) but will take away health if eaten normally. Juniper will grow everywhere on the mountains, but it will be possible to plant themselves (as trees in the valley stardew). I also propose a mechanic, as with the hoe, that you can hit the ground with a pickaxe in certain places and get ore/crystals for it. There is also a proposal to make earthquakes, during which the garden will be covered with stones, which can be stopped by building a support in the appropriate place, but such rockfalls can bring useful ores and crystals. I propose to implement the mine in the following way: there will be an abandoned mine, where there will be a wagon, getting into which the player will go to a random level of the mine, and to go down into the mine will be possible only twice a day. Of the buildings I propose to restore the bird squat, there (after hatching an egg, about which I will write later) will sleep eagles, but during the day they will not, but with the arrival they will bring different things, and drop feathers, which can be sold. Eagle egg can be obtained by climbing to the top of the mountain, but to do so will not be so easy. It won't be possible to reach it in one day.
I propose the following mechanics: if the player went out before 15:00, then between 20:00 and 00:00 he can go to the hut good golem, where restored bed, and returning artifact golem, you can spend the night, and then continue on up the mountain. Interfere with climbing the mountain will be stone golems and elements of the air, after killing some of them will drop the notes (animation of the death elemental like wind gust, and the notes as if it brings the wind). These notes will be written about the magical properties of juniper and about the revenge of the Ents (living trees) if you desecrate their sanctuary. Finally, having reached the top of the mountain on the second day, there will be a location where there will be a nest of eagles with an egg and a bonfire. If you just go down after that, all the trees on the road will start to come to life and attack the player, but you can put a juniper in the fire, and will animation as with junimo (like communication in a dream) with Ent NPC (not the game character), who will say that you are blessed and pure spirits no longer touch you, the way down will already be without monsters. With the Ent at the top of the mountain will be in contact every time, putting a juniper in the fire, he will exchange different ritual accessories, mainly for beauty. And of course I would like to see a mountain river and a mountain lake.
hello, do you think it's worth making a separate post in english?
hello, do you think it's worth making a separate post in english?
No idea.
I just wanted to help others to understand this suggestion.

Actually I think it's very specific and there are a lot of ideas in it. So maybe there are some good for the masses and some that should be a mod or just one big mod.