A little discussion :)


Hi! I'm new to the site and I just wanted to start a friendly (though idk how that will hold up on the internet) discussion about the game, mostly NPC's or past experiences. This is my favorite game and I want to feel like a part of the community.

In my very first farm I was terrible, the farm was ugly, I didn't know how to fish and I was friends with Linus and Shane only (not including my wife Maru) in my second playthrough I have dated everyone and am very close to perfection and my farm doesn't look too bad. I'm married and have a baby girl (another child on the way!!) and my husband is a doctor. My only problem with this is that Harvey STILL charges me for passing out. :( I do still love him and his 10 heart scene is what made me pick him over Leah. That's basically my experience, I've had smaller farms but only two major ones. How about you lovely people? :)


Local Legend
Tbh this community is very nice and respectful of opinions which is a nice little break from the other places to discuss stardew like discord and Reddit.

I usually marry Emily as she has easy gifts and the special event outfit is way too good. Krobus is pretty awesome too.

I actually just updated my farm and I will post an update on my thread in the farm design part of the forums.
Hope you enjoy your time here


Remember, Harvey has to cover cost of materials used to patch you up. Surgical supplies are expensive because they have to be sterilized.

I like Krobus best! I don't want to marry and have children. Too much responsibility.

I did not fish for most of my first save - I bought anything remotely difficult from the traveling cart and Krobus. I am learning how to fish on this second farm, though I still don't like it and am not very good.

Thinking about starting a beach farm to grow the most possible grass for my bunnies. But they won't like the sand! What a dilemma. Maybe they will like it if it is covered in tasty grass.


Welcome to a group of folks who absolutely love Stardew Valley! Great group of people here I've had a blast chatting with over the years.

My first farm was a nightmare. I chose the wrong layout, didn't have a clue about ANYTHING. It was a mess. Then I found these forums and the Wiki and started over.

My longest save (only my second one) is 11 years and I think I got to about 87% completion. I married Harvey since I'm a senior and it didn't feel right to marry a "kid". Harvey was the only obvious choice for me but I'm glad. He's very sweet. I don't die very often. In my current save (third one), the one person who has rescued me has been Linus. I'm shooting for 100% completion on this one as I'm sharing with my YouTube peeps. One funny story with an NPC since you asked is Abigail. I have given her a hated gift at LEAST twice if not three times. She has the least friendship hearts of any person on my village list (one). She beat me in the Easter Egg contest. Twice. So she is my nemesis. We will eventually become best friends but it will take time. For now, I avoid her when I see her in town.

Fishing is a royal pain especially in the beginning. I learn it so I can get the special fish needed for the Community Center and game completion, but after that, the fishing pole will gather dust and I can move on to things I truly enjoy. But in all honesty, once my skill got high and I got the right equipment, fishing isn't AS MUCH as a pain. Good way to make money before the farm starts cranking.

Anyway, welcome to one very nice group of folks on the Internet!