Issue game crashes upon picking up modded furniture, tried everything


first time posting to the forums and i made an account just to ask for help. i got back from a trip and hadn't used my computer (Windows 10 laptop) for over a week. Stardew Valley and SMAPI were all working fine when i left, and i made no changes to my mods folder nor did i download any new mods after arriving home. i got the coffee maker in the mail and tried to move a modded flower pot out of the way to make room, but instead the game froze and i had to close the program. i did this multiple times after updating various mods to see if anything would change, but no.

i uninstalled then reinstalled SMAPI, verified the game files countless times, uninstalled the entire game then verified the files again, updated more mods, tried again and again and again but still nothing. every piece of furniture from a mod, upon being interacted with, would crash my game. the error log is completely unreadable to me. i need help desperately lol, im overwhelmed with outside stuff and im so tired of having seemingly nonstop tech issues.

!!here is the most recent error log!!

i hope i uploaded and linked the log parser correctly.
thank you for any and all help :].


oh my god thank you, i see you all the time helping on these forums and i’ll definitely try that when i get home!!!!
IT WORKED AMAZINGLY! i felt like a surgeon removing all the CF items from the serialization file lol. thank you so much :]!!!
Awesome, nice work! Hehe, yea it's definitely fun editing saves, & related data! ^-^
And yea, no prob; I'm glad to help!

Also, just as mentioned before.
You'll also want to keep an eye on some of the recommended updates by the SMAPI parser, excluding CF of course.
They're not immediately necessary, but good for general updates and potential fixes.