Theories about Linus


What are your favourite theories about Linus and his backstory? He's one of my favourite Stardew Valley characters and it's a shame we don't find out much about his past.

My personal favourite is that he's an old god living among humans. It's completely unfounded, but we have no clues to his backstory at all, so you could do anything with it I guess. My theory is that he's an old forest/nature god who was in the general area a long, long time ago, then people came along, so he decided to adapt to living near them.

But, because he was an old forest god, he didn't know any other lifestyle and still wanted to live in his usual way, foraging, living outside, hunting/fishing, etc. So, he didn't really understand these people who came along and lived in houses all the time and got annoyed or pitied him when he rummaged through their trash. He was just doing what came naturally, living off available resources.

During this time, he observed humanity and judged them to be unworthy (maybe that's the wrong word, I don't know). They were cruel to him; they didn't respect his lifestyle, they destroyed and spray painted his tent, etc. So, he kept his distance because they treated him badly, even though he wanted to understand and be part of the community. Hence, why he comes to festivals and says things like he came for the food or wants to join in but feels unwelcome.

Then our farmer comes along and he has a chance to observe and judge humanity again. If we ignore him or are cruel to him (e.g. by gifting him things he hates), nothing changes. He continues to believe all people are dangerous and have to be avoided. But, if you make friends with him by talking to him, gifting him things he likes, and respecting his lifestyle, he opens up and realises that not everyone is bad. He still avoids people because he knows most are unwelcoming, but he judged you to be worthy at least. So, he tells you useful things and gives you gifts, because you decided that you'd respect him.


That’s pretty cool. I love Linus too and have often wondered about him. Since he and the Wizard are old friends, I think he was going down a similar path. But something happened, a loss or trauma of some kind, and Linus became a “wild man” living in one of the few magical places left. He does always seem to show up when you need him.


That’s pretty cool. I love Linus too and have often wondered about him. Since he and the Wizard are old friends, I think he was going down a similar path. But something happened, a loss or trauma of some kind, and Linus became a “wild man” living in one of the few magical places left. He does always seem to show up when you need him.
That would make sense. Or maybe the wizard knows about him being a forest god and because they're both magical and not really part of the community they became friends? That's what I always figured.

Magically Clueless

Staff member
Someone in another thread mentioned that Linus could have used to be big into the corporate race/ a successful businessman, but in doing so he lost the appeal of the natural world (much like what Joja has done) and gave up all of his material possessions to live an honest life

I personally believe he is a normal man who gained the blessings of the spirits around him since he made an attempt to know and understand them. He's probably one of the few folks who actually are friends with the Junimos and he has a deeper knowledge of creatures than most


Well linus was from very rich family, when his parents died he got their money. Linus didn't like rich life and he wanted to live with the nature so he gave all money to a charity and moved into stardew valley.
Well linus was from very rich family, when his parents died he got their money. Linus didn't like rich life and he wanted to live with the nature so he gave all money to a charity.
we know that but he was on a journey across the world and he decided to stay in Stardew valley


I've made an interesting observation that leads me to believe that Linus knows the Dwarf. Linus mentions that he has explored the mines, and he is one of the villagers who can rescue you if you pass out in the mines. He also has a line of dialogue in the winter where asks you if you've found anything interesting in the mines. And most of all? The Dwarf attends your wedding if you've reached the bottom level of the mines, and where do they stand? Right next to Linus!


Not exactly a theory, but Linus has a lot of similarities to the character of Will in Leave No Trace. Will is a veteran with PTSD and the movie does a really good job showing a way of life that's close to how Linus lives.
That's interesting. I've never seen Leave No Trace Before, so I'll have to look into that. Maybe he's a reference?
There are old sprites and game art of Linus that depict him in very fancy looking clothing. It also shows his progression of going from his old look to the way he looks now.

Many players like myself have speculated that Linus may have been a very rich and powerful business man at one point.

Some think he may have lost his business and was forced to end up living off the land. I personally believe Linus possibly saw the damage big business did to the environment; cutting down trees to make room for factories, chemicals being released into water, mining minerals and contaminating ground water, and decided to give it up. Its also quite possible money and power didn't make him happy so he decided to live in a more unique way, close to nature.


There are old sprites and game art of Linus that depict him in very fancy looking clothing. It also shows his progression of going from his old look to the way he looks now.

Many players like myself have speculated that Linus may have been a very rich and powerful business man at one point.

Some think he may have lost his business and was forced to end up living off the land. I personally believe Linus possibly saw the damage big business did to the environment; cutting down trees to make room for factories, chemicals being released into water, mining minerals and contaminating ground water, and decided to give it up. Its also quite possible money and power didn't make him happy so he decided to live in a more unique way, close to nature.

Wasn't Linus going to be eligible for marriage at some point? I remember seeing that on some random corner of the internet. I thought his smart outfit was maybe his wedding outfit. Hmm.
I had one on the other forums that I thought of. It had to do with him being a greedy, wealthy man. And he gives up his riches and becomes a hermit in the woods. It's a more long winded post, but I figured that was what he was. I don't think he was always like this.