Windows (Steam) Stardew Valley launch crash fix


Anyone still having problems with the game crashing on steam should look for a file named Galaxy64.dll in the main game file. If you see the file, delete it and try to relaunch the game. I did this after reading crash logs and determining that this was the problem. I'm sorry if this doesn't solve it for you and I wish you luck.


Anyone still having problems with the game crashing on steam should look for a file named Galaxy64.dll in the main game file. If you see the file, delete it and try to relaunch the game. I did this after reading crash logs and determining that this was the problem. I'm sorry if this doesn't solve it for you and I wish you luck.
I spent an entire day trying everything, finding that nothing worked, thought I would have to give up everything and this was the fix, thank you, you are my hero I will name a pet after you.