Question for the wine makers out there


So I know how to cram a lot more kegs into the basement for aging, but as my manufacturing of wine continues to grow, I've got tons more wine than I can age and that will continue to increase.

For those of you who choose wine as one of your major income streams, do make wines you don't age and just sell them? Do you make wines besides the expensive ones or stick with the expensive ones?


I only age the most expensive wines as much as possible, specifically the starfruit and ancient fruit wines. During downtime (while processing/growing) I place goat cheese to casks to age them from gold to iridium. Other wines/juices are sold immediately.


Since I have a greenhouse, I am growing excursively ancient fruit. I currently have around a hundred bottles waiting to be put into the casks for aging. Four rows of my basement casks are full of those. I save one row for goat cheese. So it sounds like you do have lots of other wines that are not ancient fruit that you sell immediately. I tend to grow/save EVERYTHING and wasn't sure what I should do with it all. Thanks for the imfo!


Staff member
I age as much wine as I can, and save enough so I can swap more in when the wine that's currently aging is done, but all additional wine just gets sold.


So I’ve been aging wine and cheese. Should I scrap the cheese to just age wine? I wish I could buy another cellar From Robin


I feel the same Boo. I do cram as many casks in the basement as possible and still move around. I currently have 4 rows of wine aging and 2 rows of cheese. I've always done both.


For me the aging process if pretty useless. It takes to long to finish, it takes 56 days to get to iridium quality, the base price for normal quality ancient fruit wine is 1650 (2310 if artisan profession), it takes 7 days after the fruit is mature to regrow. In 56 days I would have made 8 harvests of the fruit and the wine, something around 900 bootles of wine, since i can only age a maximum 189 per time (using ALL the space in the basement with casks) in the end of the 56 days I would get from the aged wine 620.000~ cash, but If I sold all the wine I had between the same time without aging I would get 2.290.000~ cash. You can also just use every space you have to age wine, and sell everything else you get between harvesting.

I hope this make sense, the numbers are rounded down, and maybe incorrect (I actually never did calculate this before lol).


So for me I tend to just sell whatever doesn't get aged. I am not too worried about the extra profit loss because with the Artisan perk and Iridium quality wine, I am already making crazy amounts of money. Time=Money. If I am making wine every 7 days, then for the 4 weeks I'm aging wine that's profit on top of whatever I'm aging

As for what to age the 2 best ones are Ancient Fruit or Starfruit wine. Ancient fruit is 4260 :g: per bottle while Starfruit is 6300 :g: Don't worry about aging other things such as cheese because they don't return as much profit as the wine
I go for ancient fruit because A) I'm lazy :P and B) it takes 7 days to grow compared to the Starfruit's 13 days which is the exact time it takes to make it into wine.

Hope this all makes sense! I just woke up as I am writing this :P

Lew Zealand

I age Starfruit wine and grow enough Starfruit in the Greenhouse to fill the cellar for aging. I make Jelly out of the rest of the fruit in the Greenhouse, which is all Ancient Fruit. Jelly returns more $ per day than un-aged Wine.


So I’ve been aging wine and cheese. Should I scrap the cheese to just age wine? I wish I could buy another cellar From Robin
Unless you're already starting at gold quality cheese I'd say you should prioritize wine even more. Aging cheese from no quality to iridium is a huge waste of time and is definitely not worth it. If you're playing on PC there's tons of mods on the Nexus that expands the cellar to a reasonably larger one.


This my strategy - I grow ancient fruit in the greenhouse then transfer to casks in the cellar and age them to gold quality as you get 1 yield in 28 days compared to i yield every 55 days for iridium quality wine. So I get 2 X yields of gold quality in the time it takes to get I yield of iridium quality wine - I X iridium quality ancient fruit wine sells for 4620G while 2 X gold quality ancient fruit wine sells for 6930G So you make more profit selling 2 X yields of gold quality than 1 X iridium quality every 55 days

Lew Zealand

Pulling the wine out at gold quality seems like a good strategy but it seems to above my extreme laziness threshold when it comes to my farm. I mentioned above that I reserve a small part of my Greenhouse for Starfruit to make SF wine but that strategy puts me at the limit of effort and I'm probably going to convert the Greenhouse back to Ancient Fruit only and just make Ancient Fruit Wine and Jelly.

However, your Gold Wine strategy might just work for me. Currently my cellar aging is not all in sync but if I wait until my last SF wine goes gold until I clear it out completely, and add in AF wine all at once, I can totally put the 1-day effort into filling the cellar with AF wine and ignore until the same day next season and repeat.

I Think This Will Work!

No matter how many kegs you have, and how much wine you make, your cask capacity is capped by the size of the basement at a maximum of 189, so you can't age more than 378 bottles of wine per year. Eventually you will reach a point where you cannot age any more product, but it's still very profitable to make and sell regular quality wine.

This my strategy - I grow ancient fruit in the greenhouse then transfer to casks in the cellar and age them to gold quality as you get 1 yield in 28 days compared to i yield every 55 days for iridium quality wine. So I get 2 X yields of gold quality in the time it takes to get I yield of iridium quality wine - I X iridium quality ancient fruit wine sells for 4620G while 2 X gold quality ancient fruit wine sells for 6930G So you make more profit selling 2 X yields of gold quality than 1 X iridium quality every 55 days
Taking wine out before iridium quality makes no difference to your profit. It doesn't make more overall money to remove them at gold. Yes, the two gold sell for more than one iridium, but the input cost is two bottles of wine instead of one bottle, and the cost of that bottle will be exactly the same as the difference between the selling prices. All you are doing is doubling your work of loading and unloading the casks.


So I’m just going to recap the general advice and correct me if I’m wrong. Make primarily star fruit and ancient fruit wine. Sell what isn’t aging in the casks or skip the aging process altogether. Turn the rest of the fruit to jelly if possible.

what about pale ale? Hops are cheap, they would never die in the greenhouse and they seem to brew and age faster than the wines.


Since this is a end game thing, I believe you should do whatever you want to do, but I will add a little math here:
In 34 days you would have 189 iridium quality pale ale, wich will seel 113400 cash.
It takes 1 to 2 days to transform the Hops in pale ale. Since they regrow every day, in 34 days and a full greenhouse with it, counting the days to completely grow, you will have 2668 hops, wich sell for 98716. It woul take a lot of time to transform all into pale ale, but if you do it, you can make a total of 800400 cash from a normal quality pale ale in 34 days.


Since this is a end game thing, I believe you should do whatever you want to do, but I will add a little math here:
In 34 days you would have 189 iridium quality pale ale, wich will seel 113400 cash.
It takes 1 to 2 days to transform the Hops in pale ale. Since they regrow every day, in 34 days and a full greenhouse with it, counting the days to completely grow, you will have 2668 hops, wich sell for 98716. It woul take a lot of time to transform all into pale ale, but if you do it, you can make a total of 800400 cash from a normal quality pale ale in 34 days.
Despite the fact that’s it doesn’t make financial sense, I think I’ll keep my casks bubbling. There is something satisfying about watching them. Thank you for doing the math for me!


I too think it is a cool thing for the end game, I mean, you probably already have tons of money when you can age stuff, so why not make a hobbie out of it?


Thank you all for your input! It just felt "wrong" to sell the ancient fruit wine without aging it but at the same time I have over 100 bottles waiting to age and my basement is full. And the reason I "only" have 100 is because I only have 10 kegs going. I am about ready to fill my shed with them and that will create a ton more wines. I'm thinking about keeping maybe two rows of kegs ancient fruit and the rest other wines to sell without aging. Being a farmer that farms three seasons and a greenhouse that is full of fruit trees (as well as ancient fruit plants), I have a huge supply of items I can make into wine. I also love making and aging cheese. That seems very "farmer-like". :) I am also cranking up my jelly making shed. To me it's satisfying to grow veggies and fruits myself and "can" them for resell. Wish I could put a label on them and the wines that say "Monroe Valley Farm".

I am not really a min/maxer of any kind. I enjoy the game for the role playing of a farmer. Money isn't an issue. I have around half a mil and am slowly saving for getting the Oblisks.


I know its not optimal, but I just have my winemaking operation set up to be 1:1. Its more aesthetically pleasing that way too hehe...Ancient fruit is the way to go from an efficiency standpoint too, since it takes 7 days each for the plants to produce again and the kegs to convert the fruit to wine, so you dont have to worry about keg downtime.

What I mean is, I have 4 iridium sprinkler plots of ancient fruit (96 total) in my greenhouse, which get fed into a big shed with 96 kegs in it (6 rows of 8 per side), which then go into 96 casks in my basement (which, to cram 96 down there isn't quite as clean looking, but it is what it is).

I just sell unaged wine while the casks are full and throw the next batch in when they're available again.


96 casks? Oh my. I got work to do... OH and an update: I now have over 200 bottles of ancient fruit wine waiting to age. I just can't make myself sell it without aging. I am making all kinds of other wines to sell without aging so that is productive.