iOS Can’t deposit in recycle bin


Type of phone: iPhone 12 Pro max
Issue: won’t let me deposit trash into the recycle bin (behind train station) for the “community cleanup” task. Can open the bin, but can’t transfer items into it.82B2DC67-9EDF-41E1-8EBF-7C4163999E55.png


Type of device: iPad Version 9

Issue: I'm having the same issue as Zsa - I'm unable to select the trash that's in my inventory to be able to drag it into the recycle bin. I managed to get a few pieces of trash into the bin by randomly clicking on the screen, but I can't repeat and am unable to complete the quest.

Going to stop playing until bug is fixed - don't want to miss my chance to achieve Linus quest.


I can put anything in the trash without a problem EXCEPT the stuff given to me by Gunther. I’m unable to throw out any of the pictures I get from his as rewards.

On an iPad, 2017-ish version.

Also, I’ve updated twice, but I’m still unable to put anything into any of the bins for the quests.



Same issue here. My ability/option to craft has also disappeared. Reverted to previous save, same issue..

Also on iPad


Also on my iPad. Same problem have trash don’t have a way to put it in the bin.
I thought I would try to figure out how some got the trash in the bin. I had to tap on top right corner of the square of the materials. I taped the white box to organize and it brought up my other items and tapped right corner again. Maybe the tap box is out of placement or sync - sorry if that sounded like a total idiot I am one 😜🤷🏻‍♀️


Type of phone: iPhone 12 Pro max
Issue: won’t let me deposit trash into the recycle bin (behind train station) for the “community cleanup” task. Can open the bin, but can’t transfer items into it.View attachment 12918
I am having this same issue on my IPAD with ALL special orders and Qi Walnut Room quests that require you to gather items and then deposit them somewhere. Have completed 4 or 5 orders/quests already, some taking 2 weeks, only to fail at the end because I couldn’t drag/place the items into the boxes. I posted about this separately too. Am extremely frustrated and going to stop playing until (hopefully) they can fix it.


Type of device (an ipad is not a phone): iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation); iPad OS version 16.2 (20C65)
Details of your issue: Cannot deposit special order items anywhere (Willy's bin; Gus's fridge)
Screenshots/video: Others reporting this bug have posted pictures?
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)?
Through the Load Game menu, after making sure I was running the most up-to-date version of the game.
Any other info that might be relevant:
The screen with the deposit boxes/my inventory cannot be sized at all when this occurs. The items to deposit show up in full color (things that cannot be placed are faded out), but I cannot select my item(s) in order to move them, either with Apple pencil or my finger. Can't think of any other odd circumstances. Oh, the zoom [default] / [show larger] trick someone else tried does not solve this, though my text is happily of a more readable size, yay!


Same problem. iPad Air (4th gen) iOS 16.2
Unable to move trash from inventory to recycle bin to complete quest


Type of device (an ipad is not a phone): iPad Pro (11-inch) (2nd generation); iPad OS version 16.2 (20C65)
Details of your issue: Cannot deposit special order items in recycle bin behind train station
Screenshots/video: see attached
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)?
I tried loading it both ways
Any other info that might be relevant:

