Issue Ridgeside village not working


Hello good day! Sorry if my english isn't grammatically correct. As stated above, my Ridegeside Village is not working. I don't know what seems to be the problem since I downloaded all that is needed to download as for the ridgeside village wiki. I play on mobile so that was a big help knowing what version to use, but still I can't make it work. Here is my smapi log for those who can help me Thank you in advance;


Hello good day! Sorry if my english isn't grammatically correct. As stated above, my Ridegeside Village is not working. I don't know what seems to be the problem since I downloaded all that is needed to download as for the ridgeside village wiki. I play on mobile so that was a big help knowing what version to use, but still I can't make it work. Here is my smapi log for those who can help me Thank you in advance;
06:21:27ERRORSMAPI - [CP] Ridgeside Mobile 1.1.2 because it requires mods which aren't installed (misscoriel.eventrepeater).
06:21:27ERRORSMAPI - [CM] Ridgeside Mobile 1.1.1 because it needs the '[CP] Ridgeside Mobile' mod, which couldn't be loaded.
06:21:27ERRORSMAPI - [CP] Ridgeside Mobile 1.1.2 because it requires mods which aren't installed (misscoriel.eventrepeater).
06:21:27ERRORSMAPI - [FTM] Ridgeside Mobile 1.1.1 because it needs the '[CP] Ridgeside Mobile' mod, which couldn't be loaded.
06:21:27ERRORSMAPI - Event Repeater Test Event 5.3.0 because it requires mods which aren't installed (misscoriel.eventrepeater).
You are missing the required Event Repeater mod.