most remunerative route


I don't know if the topic was wrote in the past, but...
What is your most remunerative strategy?
I have tryed several: wine, animals, honey, mix of them, all the multi-harvest colture in sheds, only animals, ecc.

In a farm, I built several sheds, fullfill with pots and grow a lot of different coltures. Bad idea: not all are very profittables and the different time of regrowth forced me to check and harvest something every day - a big loss of time.
In another, I built a lot of barns and coops, and I transformed eggs and milk in mayo and cheese. I could do it every 2-3 days, but I were ALWAYS at Marnie's, buying TONS of hay. And I needed to spent a lot of time petting all animals.
I tryed to force me to gain money only sellng food, but I didn't like it a lot.
The most profittables farms were this two. They require a lot of planning, a lot of work to collect all the resources (this is the real challenge for me), but I kile them a lot!

Now, I want to do a bit of math and see how many resources they cost.

require artisan profession, fulfill Ginger Island and Greenhouse with ancient fruit and the farm with sheds and kegs.
It's 750+120 ancient fruit/week, so you need 870 cask. You can dedicate a day to collect the wine and refil the kegs and another to harvest the fruits. 2 days a week for (2310gx870 = 2.009.700 g/week = 287.100g/day ).
PRO: a lot of money, just 1-2 day/week to do chores.
AGAINST: It will require A LOT of work to produce all the kegs and the sheds, you have to start the grow of ancient fruits in the greenhouse and turn in seed all the fruits you farm in the firsts... 2-3 month? It depends, if you are lucky and found some ancient seed early in the game, you can start growing the fruits on open air and arrive to the greenhouse with a decent amount of seed, and sail for ginger island with a generous stock of seed. Ah, all plants have to receive the delux retained soil to optimize the surface of Greenhouse and Ginger Island.
It require around 30 oaks and 30 tappers to collect oak resin fast enought.
870 delux retained soil = 4350 stones, 2610 fiber, 870 clay
870 kegs = 870 oak resin, 21.750 copper ore, 21.750 iron ore, 1.740 coal, 26.100 wood
7 big sheds = 6.160 wood, 2100 stones
30 tappers = 1.200 wood, 60 coal, 300 copper ore

I arrived at full production regime around at summer/fall, year 3. I used the standard farm, but can be performed in all farms, except maybe the riverland and the mountain.

-artisan profession, fulfill Ginger Island with beehouses and fairy roses. Farm Rose Honey every 4 days, 400 honeybee. (400x952g = 380.800g/4day = 95.200g/day) It will require a lot of work to collect all the coal, the iron ad the wood, but a bit less hard then the ancient wine way (less wood)
PRO: less resources needed to craft all, you can use it with a small farm too, because the main production is on Ginger Island
AGAINST: it require half a day every 4 days to harvest the honey, and without the Island Obelisk, every harvest cost 1000g of ticket for the island.
400 beehouse = 400 maple syrup, 3.600 coal, 2.000 iron ore, 16.000 wood
30 tappers = 1.200 wood, 60 coal, 300 copper ore
48 fairy rose seed, 11 iridium sprinkler, 3 basic sprinkler (you can use more fairy seed and only basic sprinkler)

I arrived at full production regime around at the end of year 2, but I planned everything and I arrived on ginger Island with all the seeds and the bee house. Before, I used the bee house in the farm (mountain farm), and put wild honey in kegs. I added ancient fruits in greenhouse and a single big shed with kegs, and this gave me the money to buy part of the coal. Most of the coal and the iron were collected in the mine, from dust spirit (burgle ring is GOLD) using monster musk, as soon as I had the recipe.

What are your most profittale farms?

Here a image of ginger island full of bee house. Maybe there is a way to put more of them, but in this manner harvest the honey is really easy and fast.
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Lew Zealand

I'm a simple person, so Ancient Fruit in Greenhouse into Kegs and some of that Wine goes in the Cellar to Casks and the rest is sold. I'm usually playing all the quests/storylines in the game that I can keep track of with an 8-bit memory, so it's not like I'm spending my time maximizing my moneymaking strategies, but I do want a nice return on my (as minimal as possible) efforts. Hence the Ancient Fruit only. I sometimes plant one each of the other re-harvestable crops in the Greenhouse and then regret it, too much work. Sometimes I plant the re-harvestable crops at Ginger and regret it maybe a little less...

I do very much like growing something else at Ginger to maybe possibly avoid the booooooring, so that's almost always Mixed Seeds. Huh, that's weird. OK, hear me out: they produce mostly Pineapple with some Blueberries, Melons and maybe something else? As the Melons get picked, they get replaced with more Mixed seeds thus enriching for Pineapples and Blueberries over time. Once I'm full or accumulate a lot of Pineapple seeds, I'll pickaxe the Blueberries and replace them with Pineapple, which is about as good as Ancient Fruit with the same once-a-week harvest cadence. While this sounds like work, if I make it there twice a week, it's only because I'm grinding for other things on Ginger so this is a pretty casual farming transformation.

With the very notable exception of the Qi Crop quest which I have going right now. I originally targetted 125 spots harvested 4 times by the end of the quest but am now up to 170 spots and counting (for only 3 total harvests) because I'm now finding Qi Beans casually all the time. You need to keep some space available on Ginger if you want that Qi Quest and thus retain your position as a key member of his captive currency criminal extortion enterprise.

Plus, I like the beeg feesh tanks!! :fish: :fish2:


870 kegs = 870 oak resin, 21.750 copper ore, 21.750 iron ore, 1.740 coal, 2610 wood
Perhaps just a typo, but the wood here is 26,100. An utterly bonkers amount.

I'm not the best to answer in threads like this because I got a bit fed up with the stressful farmer's life of min-maxing farming. However, if you're going for max profit, then surely starfruit is a better deal than ancient fruit. With deluxe speed gro it grows in 9 days iirc. Not quite once a week, and it involves more effort since they don't regrow, but the value of regular starfruit wine is 3150g compared with 2310g for ancient fruit wine.


Local Legend
Uh yeah, I might be writing for a while…
Also some of this may just be incoherent ranting as I’m just writing as stuff comes to mind, don’t think about it too too much.

My goal on my farm is simple, make money, there are two sub goals I want to achieve too:
1. Make a total of 10 billion g in game
2. Make one of if not the most profitable farms in the community/game

They work hand in hand so I’ll just discuss whatever I choose to regarding both of them.
I made a farm design for 448 million g a year or 4 million a day but recently shart made a farm for his own challenge that makes about 610 million a year so I’ll have to ramp up production, they used mostly crystalariums as they are the most lucrative use of space on and off the farm per tile and action while also accounting for time to harvest.
I was originally only going to make 11355 crystalariums but I think im going to make as many as possible and cover the farm and whole map in them, even if I can’t possibly harvest all of them with how the game works.
I currently have a plan for about 90 golden chicken coops as they are the fastest way to make money but since I may be getting a new computer my daily load time will be cut making the whole process faster. I don’t really like blocking off buildings to fit more but I might to fit more coops, I consider single player multiplayer (or whatever you call it, just having and controlling multiple players on a farm off of one pc) cheating so with one player I can only make 16 coops a year MAX.

this is a pain as you can theoretically fit like 160 coops on the farm though with all my buildings already it would be closer to 110.

I do like the aesthetics of my farm though so will probably keep it, I can always add more crystalriums off the farm

I also have about 3300 crops that make about 75 million a year but I think I will get rid of them as they take two full days to harvest and keg and make up only 15% or so of my total earnings which is super disproportionate to crystalariums.

just replace all of ginger island and my 16 crop sheds as well as my 3300 off farm kegs with crystalariums will be better but then I also need to make the crystalariums, I only have like 2500 right now and 10000s of spaces to fill, definitely a long term project to get the most crystalriums.
I don’t even know what the record is, unmodded too or modded, though I think the most modded is like 22000 which is crazy because the user used automate for a lot of stuff making it way way easier.


Local Legend
Good Cryst, this sounds filthy :D You'll need a bonkers amount of gold. But with all the money you're wading in, can just buy it off Clint really.

What does Linus say about all this? 😅
Yeah with idea stretched to it’s fullest extent that’s like half a billion g worth of just gold, I was making them and the money and funding it all at once but in hindsight it’s much smarter to just finish the coops and burn them off to make the money first.
Both faster and more efficient, might invest in a few hundred more SoEF to for the resources.

and I think Linus had a heart attack when I filled the whole mountain are with stone paths like I’m doing the rest of the world :)


I've found a much more reliable source though not as lucrative is pineapples. It's much less luck dependent as there's so many sources of them. But I pose a question I simply haven't had the time to check. Can flowers grown in garden pots, produce that honey type?


Local Legend
I've found a much more reliable source though not as lucrative is pineapples. It's much less luck dependent as there's so many sources of them. But I pose a question I simply haven't had the time to check. Can flowers grown in garden pots, produce that honey type?
Usually you can get ancient fruit much before pineapple and in pretty good quantities, I had about 800 af plants by the end of year one, a month or so after I got to the island on my first file.
On my latest I got three af seeds on the 5th but that is only still in spring.


Usually you can get ancient fruit much before pineapple and in pretty good quantities, I had about 800 af plants by the end of year one, a month or so after I got to the island on my first file.
On my latest I got three af seeds on the 5th but that is only still in spring.
Yes usually you can, and typically you will. But on my perfection run I've been farming bugs for it and it still hasn't dropped. I'm 450 bugs in and I'll do as many as it takes. But pineapples for now.


Local Legend
Yes usually you can, and typically you will. But on my perfection run I've been farming bugs for it and it still hasn't dropped. I'm 450 bugs in and I'll do as many as it takes. But pineapples for now.
I would reccomend seed makering a bunch or very cheap multiharvest crops like blueberries or cranberries preferably.
Whenever a crop runs through a seed maker they have a 0.5% chance or 1/200 of becoming an ancient fruit seed packet.
This is good for blueberries and cranberries as for the former you lose only a small amount of money anyway and for cranberries you actually gain money by turning them into seeds in some scenarios.
Then if you still require the actual seed, for the museum and the recipe, you can just run the packet through a deconstructor and get the seed then donate it for the packet.