Does Pierre's General Store ever sell Strawberry seeds?


I'm a little confused because I'm pretty sure he was selling them Spring Year 6 so I figured they unlock later on, but when I went to buy some Spring Year 7 they weren't on sale. So I looked at the wiki and they're not mentioned at all. I know they're available from the Egg Festival.

Was it just a happy mistake that they were on sale? Or will they only be sold on even years but wiki doesn't know about it? Or a rare chance to appear only? Or this is something that just doesn't happen and my recall is at fault?

Thank you for your time and feedback.


Strawberry seeds are only sold at the egg festival.

Maybe you're misremembering that he sold them?

He does sell items back to you after you sell them, but I'm not sure if that works with seeds. If yes, you might have accidentally sold them to him first?


I agree with @Ereo it is possible that you're misremembering as the strawberry seeds sold at the egg festival are sold by Pierre himself. :pierre:


Thanks. I'm not infallible so there's potential there for misinterpreting. I suppose I could have sold him some seeds by mistake also. Both do not seem likely as I have a pretty good memory and wouldn't be selling strawberry seeds by choice... Oh well I thought I'd found a neat feature last (ingame) year :)


It's possible late-game to get him to sell out-of-season seeds, but I'm not sure if that includes strawberries, as it's normally not part of his shop stock. And you'd definitely know if that option was present anyway.