PC [HELP] Game stuttering


currently my game is stuttering and the CPU0 thing doesnt work, i tried through smapi and base game, both stuttering with the gpu0/higher priority thing not working. there are times when i can just spam open and close my game, and after a while i notice it finally opens the game with 0 stutter, and i dont know why.

My specs are way over what the game calls for.

i7, 2070, 32gb mem, 2560x1080 (i thought the ultra wide monitor might be the cause of the issues)

My laptop can run cyberpunk at high graphics, but stutters with stardew, kind of funny, but idk, wish i can find a fix :)
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Lew Zealand

I have played Stardew Valley on 3 different types of GPUs and 2 scroll the screen smoothly while the third doesn't scroll as smoothly, but this is all dependent on the refresh rate of the monitor.

Intel Integrated Graphics and a few Nvidia GPUs all scroll smoothly when the monitor is set to 60Hz. However my AMD GPU (RX 5600 XT) does not scroll smoothly all the time and is clearly dropping frames consistently at 60Hz. The GPU of course has more than enough power to do this properly as SDV is a very low impact game, it must be either a driver or an SDV-specific issue. Not game breaking but a bit annoying.

But when set to a higher refresh rate than 60Hz, it seems that SDV does not up it's refresh rate to that number (75, 90, 144Hz) and stays at 60Hz. The internal 60Hz framerate overlaid on the higher refresh of the monitor is annoying as well, so I play with my monitor set to 60Hz and it looks great.

BTW, I used to play SDV at 3440x1440 and it scrolled smoothly with no frame drops so your 2560x1080 screen is not an issue.


I have played Stardew Valley on 3 different types of GPUs and 2 scroll the screen smoothly while the third doesn't scroll as smoothly, but this is all dependent on the refresh rate of the monitor.

Intel Integrated Graphics and a few Nvidia GPUs all scroll smoothly when the monitor is set to 60Hz. However my AMD GPU (RX 5600 XT) does not scroll smoothly all the time and is clearly dropping frames consistently at 60Hz. The GPU of course has more than enough power to do this properly as SDV is a very low impact game, it must be either a driver or an SDV-specific issue. Not game breaking but a bit annoying.

But when set to a higher refresh rate than 60Hz, it seems that SDV does not up it's refresh rate to that number (75, 90, 144Hz) and stays at 60Hz. The internal 60Hz framerate overlaid on the higher refresh of the monitor is annoying as well, so I play with my monitor set to 60Hz and it looks great.

BTW, I used to play SDV at 3440x1440 and it scrolled smoothly with no frame drops so your 2560x1080 screen is not an issue.
I changed my refresh from 60 to 75, didn't smooth it. went from 75 to 60, didn't smooth it. i was originally at 60, but i changed it back and forth just to double-check.

My monitor only supports 60 and 75. But the fact that a few times the game is fine, and others not, is very confusing to me.


okay so it seems the game only runs smooth when its the first thing i open on a restart lol.

Welp, guess ima have to restart my computer to play stardew from now on lol. No other game stutters besides stardew, its weird that a restart is what fixes it temporarily.
Hi folks, I have also had the same problem. I've tried the affinity method, priority level, setting steam launch settings to 60hz and 120hz etc. None seemed to fix it. I have an Intel i7 8700k, 48gb of RAM, and a 2080 Nvidia card, so I don't believe my hardware was specifically the issue.

I found disabling v-sync in the games setting automatically fixed my stuttering issue. This may also work for some. The stuttering was hurting my eyes. Best of luck all!


What worked for me was:
  1. Open NVIDIA Control Panel
  2. Manage 3D Setttings
  3. Program Settings
  4. Add stardewmoddingapi.exe
  5. Change Threaded Optimization to Off.
That's it. I tried manually changing affinities, vsync, installing .net framework 5, disabling all the mods, and several other things, but this was the only thing that worked. It still stutters once in the first minute of moving around, but it's all smooth after that. If I turn Threaded Optimization back on I get the stuttering again. The only other thing that worked was uninstalling SMAPI and going without mods.


What worked for me was:
  1. Open NVIDIA Control Panel
  2. Manage 3D Setttings
  3. Program Settings
  4. Add stardewmoddingapi.exe
  5. Change Threaded Optimization to Off.
That's it. I tried manually changing affinities, vsync, installing .net framework 5, disabling all the mods, and several other things, but this was the only thing that worked. It still stutters once in the first minute of moving around, but it's all smooth after that. If I turn Threaded Optimization back on I get the stuttering again. The only other thing that worked was uninstalling SMAPI and going without mods.
I got an account to say: Thank you! This helped me.