Have any of you know about this?


So, I was looking trought my "Friends" tab in the game, and clicked on Robin's face and this pops up. I never heard of this being a thing, it lists all the gifts you gave the NPC, his birthfday, if he like the gift, etc. Very interesting. Oh, and if you click the photo they strike a pose.



Yeah I only recently found this, it's nice to see what I've given sometimes. My wife gets given a daily bottle of wine, I wouldn't like to see how many bottles Leah has had from me now.


yes, thanks to this amount o time i spent on wiki reduced drasticly
as the only thing i check now is "crops calendar" so i know what has to be planted "1st" on new season and what has time to be "2nd" "3rd" etc.

also with this system it may be nice to make somethning like
on every new game, game will generate one random love gift wich you could find
or lets be "evil" completly and randomly generate (all types of) gifts for every single npc there


I didn't know about the pose, but I always use the log. The problem is, I don't want to check the wiki to know what gifts the villagers like, and I usually don't give any if I'm not sure they will like it (thanks to dialogue). Because of that, my social link with Linus took a lot of time to go up, Sandy is just beginning to warm up to me and I can't find any in-game info about Krobus's preferences. I'm not that close to Pierre, but his heart level is also really low because all he does is talking about his shop, never about his personal life and his preferences.
Anyways, another thing I found out is that if this log is open and one of the gifts listed is already in your inventory, a backpack icon will appear next to the square of the corresponding item.


here is some advice on Krobus, so feel free not to read on. I actually bought one of Krobus’s favorite things from him and used to to generate more of the item. I hope that’s not too much of a hint.