Lovely crabby Leah


Leah makes the most wonderful wife ever, I think. Considerate, helpful, thoughtful, loving. Which is why it throws me when every two years or so she becomes enraged. She accosts me in the morning, as I'm tripping gaily off to work with not a care in the world. "It would be nice if you'd pick up around here once in awhile! I'm tired of trying to walk around all your junk!" (Paraphrasing here: I'm always so shocked that I can't remember exactly what she says).

This time, she blocked the door and yelled at me, and then refused to let me out of the house. I was lucky to have a "return scepter" so I could beam myself to the other side of the front door.

By the time I came back in, around noon, she was all sweet again. :hmm:

It always takes me aback, because the "junk" that I have was given to me as trophies and gifts that I have crammed away in corners so it would be out of the way. But that night, I installed a chest in the upstairs room and carefully packed it all away out of sight.

We'll see what happens two years from now.

Magically Clueless

Staff member
it's dialogue you get if you have items in the way of their normal walking paths, which is the path from the door to the kitchen, and i THINK the bed to the kitchen :frown: i've gotten that out of the blue before and it was so jarring, i ended up steering waaaay clear of the doorway

but leah could also totally be having a bad morning. poor leah


it's dialogue you get if you have items in the way of their normal walking paths, which is the path from the door to the kitchen, and i THINK the bed to the kitchen :frown: i've gotten that out of the blue before and it was so jarring, i ended up steering waaaay clear of the doorway

but leah could also totally be having a bad morning. poor leah
I think she's just having a bad morning. It does come out of the blue - because I don't change a thing, not being a decorating-type.

I guess she just got out of the wrong side of bed. :laugh: Which reminds me - she always sleeps on the left side. But there was that time she demanded to get in on the right side - push, shove - so I had to get back out of bed and let her have her way.

Lovely but occasionally cranky. I suppose once in a blue moon is way better than every day.