Do you organize your gameplay?
Make lists of things you need for certain itemsWhat do you mean by organize your "gameplay"?
The chests are my one thing that is lacking. I thought about organizing them by color like you do but I also thought about the color of the product. Green algea green chest blue fish blue chest. Maybe I'll take time out of my schedule to do that today.I plan ahead every now and then when I play. I can tell you one thing, I certainly save more crops than I used to. I also try to keep my crops tidy, and my chests organized i.e coloured for different purposes such as blue for general items, orange for food, pink for mining related items and so forth.
I'm actually going to start the task of getting 100% organized today. I have an asteroids notebook and it's going to be filled. Lol. I like your "who to see" list. I wanted to do the birthday list but forgot to put it on my list of things to make a list of. Lol.I don't color my chests, but I have a lot of them and I know exactly what is in each chest. Ores and bars plus gifts in one chest, crystals plus gifts in another, fishing equipment and buffs in another, farmer-stuff in another, combat stuff in another, backup combat stuff in another, collections for projects (like the fair or raising fish) in another, and so on and so on. Outside the game, I scribble notes on what to look for or buy, what to do next, who to see, where to go, and so on - because if I don't, I'll forget for sure. My notes look like pure chaos, but they keep me organized.
Yeah I did the math and apparently I will need 30 chests if I plan to keep everything its crazy when broken down.I do colored chests. In one, I keep my tools and the items I need to make things. Stone, ore, coal, fiber, wood, pine and oak resins, etc. (Brown chest)
In another I keep my flowers, both crop flowers and foraged flowers. (Dark pink)
In the Dark Aqua I keep fish and in the Light Aqua I keep my pole, bug brains, bobbers, algae and seaweed, and the beach forageables along with odd fish such as Eels, Blobfish, etc.
There are more but yes, I do organize or I would spend too much time searching for what I need.
As far as organizing my day, it depends on weather, luck and things like NPCs birthdays and holidays. Also on whether I have the ingots and gold to upgrade a tool.
Oh, you're definitely not alone. I actually dropped my jaw when I accidentally placed my sign on the pond. I believe it shows how many, too?I can't tell you how happy I was to learn you could put signs on the fish ponds. I'm thinking of putting signs for my tapped trees but that seems redundant since I know exactly what is what. But I've seen farms with screen shots of that and it looked cool. I think I saw one sign that had an ax meaning it was trees for cutting wood. I wonder if I can make a sign for my hay fields. Hum...
It does! How handy is that! I have two ponds of coral so I let them get to 10 and go fish out 9. Now I'm excited to see what signs I can make and put on them!Oh, you're definitely not alone. I actually dropped my jaw when I accidentally placed my sign on the pond. I believe it shows how many, too?