My Rusty Sword has disappeared


So, I descend into the mines and start digging away, minding my own business, when I'm attacked. I reach for my sword and it's not there so I run away. "Huh," sez I. "I must have left it somehow in the lunch chest when I pulled some restoratives out," but no, it's not in there. I dig in the safer areas a while, grumbling, then eventually return to the Farm where I look into the rest of the chests I have there -- nada. I go to bed, wake up the next morning and check all of the chests at the Farm and the one in the mine again, but it is in none of them.

I swing by the Adventurer's Guild and buy a wooden sword there. It's only 250g and hits a bit harder so no big deal but I'm confused. You can't 'place' the sword anywhere but I'm pretty sure I didn't discard it -- I hardly ever throw away anything, saving even trash for when I get a recycler -- but where else could it have wound up?

Lew Zealand

ConcernedApe designed this game with an early Boss-level fight which is quite insidious in its strategy. It randomly steals equipment from you and even in late game, conspires to steal the very g out of your pocket when attempting to defeat it. I have been beaten by it many times as have countless others here. Many a seasoned adventurer has lost their trusty Wooden Sword, Galaxy Hammer, or even the Ultimate Weapon, the Insect Head, to it's greedy maw. It poses as a friend and convenience but...

from the depths of hell, it comes for vengeance.

The Refrigerator is the destroyer of delights, the filleter of Legends to mere Sushi, and the quietly humming chiller of Weapons and Tools alike. Cast not your gaze beyond your humble Kitchen, for dwelling there you will find the Ultimate Foe.

And convenient storage when you enter the house past 1am with full hands and your spouse says, "Not one more filthy step into this house before you get a shower!"

"Yes, Dear."
If you're playing on PC, if you attach your save to a post, I can identify if you misplaced it somewhere (and if so, where) or if it truly is gone. It's possible that it was accidentally dropped in the mines or trashed, even if just from a misclick, as the (t)rusty sword doesn't have the same protections on it against doing so as your tools do. However if it is hanging around somewhere, post your save, like Waldo it can't hide from me ;-)


Local Legend
Did you happen to die in the Mines at any point? Do some selling at the Adventurer's Guild? Possibly accidentally dropped it when your inventory was full?

I mean, I trust Giant Octopodes to be accurate when he says it is gone, so I'm assuming it is and brainstorming how it could have ended up that way.


Did you happen to die in the Mines at any point? Do some selling at the Adventurer's Guild? Possibly accidentally dropped it when your inventory was full?
I did, indeed die in the mine and must have not noticed it when I looked over the lost-and-found. I'd thought you can recover only the one item from the AG so glommed onto the bought item without studying the list closely.
Sorry I don't have better news!
Since it was easily fixed with a 250g wood sword it's no big deal. The question was asked more out of curiosity.
I did, indeed die in the mine and must have not noticed it when I looked over the lost-and-found. I'd thought you can recover only the one item from the AG so glommed onto the bought item without studying the list closely.

Since it was easily fixed with a 250g wood sword it's no big deal. The question was asked more out of curiosity.
All good then, I like to hold onto mine for sentimental reasons so I had the item data handy, and I had a bit of free time. I modified the included save to throw it into the Blue chest, in case you wanted it back. Otherwise glad all is well and I hope the wooden blade serves you well in your future mining expeditions!



While it doesn't answer your question, there is something you can do if you lose the Rusty Sword on another save - use your Scythe. In fact, the Rusty Sword isn't all that great. Your scythe can do similar damage, and you will be able to kill the 10 green slimes required to enter the Guild.

It's best to replace the rusty sword with something else as soon as possible, anyway.