Kegs, Kegs, Kegs.

How many kegs do you make or have made on one file?

  • 1 - 50

  • 50 - 150

  • 150 - 500

  • 500 - 1000

  • 1000+

  • All of the above

  • I don't support the kegging industry.

  • I'm a preserve jar kinda farmer

  • *All of the above

Results are only viewable after voting.


Local Legend
Wow. That's kegs all over! I don't know if I could handle that. Even my 15 straight rows on the farm was a lot for me. That wine you see ready in the screenshot above has been ready for days. You can also see that my farm has gone to Iridium-sprinkled grass.
Lol, you should see my farm.
My animals have about 10 square centimeters to roam about.


I can handle about a room of kegs. I have so many other little side money making things that I never really invested in just one. I think I make most moneys off of my crops. I make wine and preserves with starfruit and then age my wine and that’s how I make a lot of my money. Each purple star wine from a starfruit is 4500g and each preserves go for 1550g


Local Legend
Dear diary,

Today I grokked the meaning of super-mega-hyper overkill. But I have a ways to go on the economics of flooding the market with a super-mega-hyper monoculture of aged spirits.

- Bobbi
Haha lol, definitely, just to keep up with the kegs I have to have about 2000 ancient fruit on the farm and that is not including the 800-ish on the island and greenhouse and I still run out in the winter months, I don't even bother aging because even if I did it would only make me about an extra 1.3 percent profit with a basement.
I have decided that I will be transitioning off of the massive amount of farms space and instead rely on 10 "pineapple sheds" in addition to my island farm to keep kegs running which will allow me to make coniderably less (only about 2.5-3 million a week) but have so so much more space for animals and another side project I have just started as of today, the Golden Egg-pire which I shall leave for another day.
The only problem though Is clay, does anyone know how to really farm for clay besides grind tilling/clay farming? Might start a new thread.


Local Legend
Haha lol, definitely, just to keep up with the kegs I have to have about 2000 ancient fruit on the farm and that is not including the 800-ish on the island and greenhouse and I still run out in the winter months, I don't even bother aging because even if I did it would only make me about an extra 1.3 percent profit with a jam-packed basement in good production months.
I have decided that I will be transitioning off of the massive amount of farms space and instead rely on 10 "pineapple sheds" in addition to my island farm to keep kegs running which will allow me to make coniderably less (only about 2.5-3 million a week) but have so so much more space for animals and another side project I have just started as of today, the Golden Egg-pire which I shall leave for another day.
The only problem though Is clay, does anyone know how to really farm for clay besides grind tilling/clay farming? Might start a new thread.
It all starts with an oak tree stand. Because you need a weekly supply of oak resin to keep up with your weekly production of kegs.

The problem with bulk kegs is finding a way to store them. Some you can put in Sheds and Big Sheds, but that only holds 60ish-120ish per each. But it's at least space efficient. So if you don't want to run all the way out to the tunnel or turn your quarry into another keg field, it's a good starting point.

Your first set of kegs will depend on what sort of setup you have for crops, and what setup you have in your Greenhouse. If you go for the basic 116 Ancient Fruit, then you'll need one Big Shed devoted to that task. If you're going for the more work intensive setup with hops and more fruit trees, then you're going to need more than that. 148 kegs for the hops alone, another thirty for the ancient fruit infill, then 90 Jars for the trees until you can get the extra few-hundred for making peach/pomegranate wine instead of preserves.

From there, you need to be able to accommodate what you grow in the fields, since you're probably brewing everything you're planting out there. So the number of additional kegs needed will be dependent upon what sort of crops you grow in which season and how many of them you grow. That number can easily spike keg counts over 500 and even over 1k kegs, depending on what you're growing and how much of it you are growing.
Haha lol, definitely, just to keep up with the kegs I have to have about 2000 ancient fruit on the farm and that is not including the 800-ish on the island and greenhouse and I still run out in the winter months, I don't even bother aging because even if I did it would only make me about an extra 1.3 percent profit with a basement.
I have decided that I will be transitioning off of the massive amount of farms space and instead rely on 10 "pineapple sheds" in addition to my island farm to keep kegs running which will allow me to make coniderably less (only about 2.5-3 million a week) but have so so much more space for animals and another side project I have just started as of today, the Golden Egg-pire which I shall leave for another day.
The only problem though Is clay, does anyone know how to really farm for clay besides grind tilling/clay farming? Might start a new thread.
I farmed for clay for the Beach farm for Deluxe Retaining Soil, and scoured both my options in game and the internet fairly well for Clay sources. I found the following options offered decent rates of clay accumulation:

- The Dig Site on the Island. Limited by spawn rate, but material dense and easy to intermittently check and farm. I use this constantly.
- Farming large swaths of land (I stopped growing trees in the desert at one point to test on there) using the good old "as large of an area as I can hit and going blind" method. It's not a decent rate, and I couldn't do it. We're talking like trading a day for 30-40, sometimes less.
- Using a predictor and meticulously hoeing successful spot after successful spot. The spawns for hoeing change with each tile tilled. As such you need to hoe, pause, increment the tilled tile counter, see what the new spot is, move there, hoe (hopefully not accidentally off a spot as I would occasionally be), pause, etc. I found it incredibly boring and unfun, and though I tried it once to see what kind of rate of accumulation I could do, the answer was still 'not enough fast enough for me to think it worthwhile'.
- Geode cracking. If like me you have a bunch of extra geodes just laying around, it is worth cracking them open, you can get a decent amount of clay from them (depending on starting quantity). Kinda situational, I used up a year's worth of accumulated geodes in a day, but I did get over 100 clay as a result.

None of those offered me the limitless large scale efficient clay farm I wanted, so I had to pivot my plans, but those are the things I tested. It's my opinion that it's reasonable to expect with frequent trips to the dig site and assuming you mine anything like I do that you can get 1,000 - 1,200 clay per year, but more than that is not realistic without significant effort offering low return value.


Local Legend
The dig site on the island has lots of clay available.
Yeah, I meant more on top of that as I farm that quite often and It only gives about 10-14 clay a week.
Maybe I go too infrequently, what is the optimal regrowth time for the dig site/does it grow gradually or reset ever so often and is there a way to optimize clay-rock spawns instead of the bone nodes?
I need about 2200 to satisfy my needs and more optimaly 2500.
I have about 2000 tilled and planted crops now but am thinking of moving all sprinklers and junimo huts and using an enchanted hoe with generous to till the ground then using the wizard's/robin's to move buildings like a barn to untill the ground.


I farmed for clay for the Beach farm for Deluxe Retaining Soil, and scoured both my options in game and the internet fairly well for Clay sources. I found the following options offered decent rates of clay accumulation:

- The Dig Site on the Island. Limited by spawn rate, but material dense and easy to intermittently check and farm. I use this constantly.
- Farming large swaths of land (I stopped growing trees in the desert at one point to test on there) using the good old "as large of an area as I can hit and going blind" method. It's not a decent rate, and I couldn't do it. We're talking like trading a day for 30-40, sometimes less.
- Using a predictor and meticulously hoeing successful spot after successful spot. The spawns for hoeing change with each tile tilled. As such you need to hoe, pause, increment the tilled tile counter, see what the new spot is, move there, hoe (hopefully not accidentally off a spot as I would occasionally be), pause, etc. I found it incredibly boring and unfun, and though I tried it once to see what kind of rate of accumulation I could do, the answer was still 'not enough fast enough for me to think it worthwhile'.
- Geode cracking. If like me you have a bunch of extra geodes just laying around, it is worth cracking them open, you can get a decent amount of clay from them (depending on starting quantity). Kinda situational, I used up a year's worth of accumulated geodes in a day, but I did get over 100 clay as a result.

None of those offered me the limitless large scale efficient clay farm I wanted, so I had to pivot my plans, but those are the things I tested. It's my opinion that it's reasonable to expect with frequent trips to the dig site and assuming you mine anything like I do that you can get 1,000 - 1,200 clay per year, but more than that is not realistic without significant effort offering low return value.
You don't actually need a predictor to clay farm. It definitely helps (especially with finding the first spot), but there are patterns you can learn that will help you continue clay farming without checking the predictor every time. This video has a nice beginners' tutorial. If you want more info, Piano_Addict's channel on Twitch is a good place to look.


Local Legend
Yeah, I meant more on top of that as I farm that quite often and It only gives about 10-14 clay a week.
Maybe I go too infrequently, what is the optimal regrowth time for the dig site/does it grow gradually or reset ever so often and is there a way to optimize clay-rock spawns instead of the bone nodes?
I need about 2200 to satisfy my needs and more optimaly 2500.
I have about 2000 tilled and planted crops now but am thinking of moving all sprinklers and junimo huts and using an enchanted hoe with generous to till the ground then using the wizard's/robin's to move buildings like a barn to untill the ground.
Clay is one of those resources I try not to need too much, precisely because it is hard to grind/farm it. If you're already regularly going to the dig site... there's not much more you can do besides dig up the entire beach.


Local Legend
Clay is one of those resources I try not to need too much, precisely because it is hard to grind/farm it. If you're already regularly going to the dig site... there's not much more you can do besides dig up the entire beach.
Dig up the whole beach you say...

Actually, while deep diving the SC, I remembered that the patches of dirt drop clay sometimes.
The mines also have these clay patches and by grind reseting the level 15 of the mines I was able to get over 40 clay in about 12 in game hours which is actually quite good.

I am also now so regretting making close to 700 fibre seeds when I could have just deconstructed bought grass starter.
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Local Legend
I can handle about a room of kegs. I have so many other little side money making things that I never really invested in just one. I think I make most moneys off of my crops. I make wine and preserves with starfruit and then age my wine and that’s how I make a lot of my money. Each purple star wine from a starfruit is 4500g and each preserves go for 1550g
You know, with artisan, each aged starfruit wine sells for 6300g and jelly for 2170g.
That will earn you much more.


Local Legend
While this is true, going Agriculturalist means that with Hyper Speed-gro I can get a crop of starfruit every 7 days.
It's actually 8 days.
Also you can just switch later on, I do a couple harvests of my ancient fruit wine then sell it all for 15 million at once.


Local Legend
No, srsly... Hyper + Agri = 7 days. DSG + Agri is 8.
Hyper + agro is 7.41 days. I'm very sure the game rounds up and I think even the wiki says 8 days, you can plant on the same day as you harvest though which leads to it only taking "7 days" to grow.
The planting day counts as the same day when you harvest because you will lay down the seeds as you harvest the crops.
Screenshot (838).png


Local Legend
omg thank you!!!!
Yeah, np, this will give you much more money both short and long term, the honest thing really is to never sell an artisan good without the profession if you have access to it.
Each of my ancient fruit wine goes from 1650g to 2310g which is massive money gain, especially if you are like me and sell 7-8 stacks of the stuff at a time.