Kegs, Kegs, Kegs.

How many kegs do you make or have made on one file?

  • 1 - 50

  • 50 - 150

  • 150 - 500

  • 500 - 1000

  • 1000+

  • All of the above

  • I don't support the kegging industry.

  • I'm a preserve jar kinda farmer

  • *All of the above

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Local Legend
I love kegs, and making loads and loads of them, so was wondering who else is a fan of making kegs in vast quantities or kegging at all and your views on kegging as both a main/side money making source or just for fun.
But mainly, how many kegs do you have on one save?
I have quite a few on my main which is end of year 3 and was wondering what others do.

Lew Zealand

I believe I have a dozen or so in my sweatiest of saves. Just thinking of having over 30 or so of them is making me shudder. Not sure why, other than the obvious wastage of finite natural resources needed to keep my brain filled with nutrients needed for crafting and tracking all that stuff. If I deplete those too quickly, that could be life-threatening. I worry for you people! Here, you need a Stardrop: :stardrop:

But the direct reasons are probably a chronic shortage of Iron Ore for the Bars and...

and... hmmm......

It's funny, I think I just figured it out right now while attempting to grok those thousands of Kegs.

It feels like one of those Clicker games to me at that point, just making bigger numbers. Meh, probably just my broken brain. Anyway, I think Tom and others brought up a good point a great many moons ago that if you truly subscribe to the ultra-lazy approach to Farming, then you should discard those Preserve Jars for Kegs every time as Kegs are half the work and take half the crop resources per tile on the Farm/in the Shed.

I have not done this but will start now.

Soon. Really probably this week.


Local Legend
"Kegs are half the work and take half the crop resources per tile on the Farm/in the Shed."
True, though none of mine except for a few 40 kegs are actually on the farm itself or in kegs.


Local Legend
I've recently taken to liking "Thou shalt not profit from selling spirits" challenges. But in the savefile where I just tonight reached The End for the first time, I have apparently 1275 all in the open outside on my farm. If "All of the above" were at the very bottom, I might have chosen it.
View attachment 8338
Lol, done.


Local Legend
"It's funny, I think I just figured it out right now while attempting to grok those thousands of Kegs.

It feels like one of those Clicker games to me at that point, just making bigger numbers"

Yeah, I have now more than 2000+ kegs and am 3 in game days away from perfection but the constant kegging isn't that bad once you setup a schedule or have your own creative aspect to it, for me it is the fact that instead of having all my kegs in sheds, I have them in the entirety of the town and map itself which allows me to always be changing and altering my path for time efficency and also have more than the regular just repetitive motions all day long.
I also have all my crops in the valley harvested by junimos and I only have to harvest my crops on the island once every week.
This is how my average week goes by:
Monday (busiest day by far):
get up, do morning chores (hello to the wife, collect from my statues of fortune, chug some speed food/drink) and then head to the island with the obelisk. After arriving, I harvest my crops and then check the Qi board for quests before returning and maybe checking the special orders board. The rest of the day I spend doing whatever I want and/or the quests I checked. I also harvest my pineapple shed and sometimes evening chores (fill furnaces/cheese press)
Harvest from my two sheds of crystalariums.
I do my morning chores then grab two stacks of ancient fruit from a chest and fill up my kegs with the fastest patter I have devised. Usually takes until about 9-10 at night so head to bed after evening chores sometimes.
Morning chores, Whatever I wish, usually implying skull cavern, harvest from crystalariums and evening chores If I don't do SC.
Morning chores, buy a prismatic rock candy from desert trader and couple hundred mega bombs and other things, whatever I want.
Morning chores, evening chores if possible, whatever I want, harvest crystalariums on this day or the next if I want.
Morning chores, eveing choresif possible, whatever I want.
Morning chores, go to desert to trade in diamonds and jade, eveing chores if possible, whatever I want.

Sorry if a bit repetitive but this is the regular but is usually fluid besides jade and prismatic rock candy trading and whatever has to do with kegs.
Sometimes I also build new buildings and buy stuff like hay, coal and wood from respective buyers as well as changing to artisan proffesion to sell my wines (last sale went for 17 million).


Local Legend
Also, the laziest way to make a massive amount of money seems to me to be having a massive amount of coops and silos and having them all filled with golden chickens as well as heaters, auto petters, and autograbbers and just leave them be for a while.
Someone on reddit did this with 67 coops and made 90 million in a year which is insane.
The actual best way to make money in a year perspective is to fill your farm with large sheds in turn filled with pinapples which allows you to have 137 crops in a footprint 3*7, or 21.
*edit, more like a 4*7/8 because of accesibility.


Not sure why, other than the obvious wastage of finite natural resources needed to keep my brain filled with nutrients needed for crafting and tracking all that stuff. If I deplete those too quickly, that could be life-threatening. I worry for you people! Here, you need a Stardrop: :stardrop:
A very indistinct "thank you" from me as I gobble down your Stardrop!

My brain is kind of a reverse of that -- it wants and needs constant stimulation (not effort, mind you, just clicky colorful things that go ding!) Without something to do all the time my brain starts to hurt and I end up with 200 browser tabs open, reading up silage making instructions, string theory, pop star bios, latest politician sleaze and monocellular algae...

Clickety-click on preserve jars is much preferable!


Local Legend
The actual best way to make money in a year perspective is to fill your farm with large sheds in turn filled with pinapples which allows you to have 137 crops in a footprint 3*7, or 21.
*edit, more like a 4*7/8 because of accesibility.
You can cut that down a little bit, with creative rearranging. If you stagger their arrangement, you can set it up so that there is a row of sheds with only a small path 3x1 leading north/south between the second row of sheds immediately in front.
I've recently taken to liking "Thou shalt not profit from selling spirits" challenges. But in the savefile where I just tonight reached The End for the first time, I have apparently 1275 all in the open outside on my farm. If "All of the above" were at the very bottom, I might have chosen it.
View attachment 8338
You definately need to program an AI mod to pick up all these bottles. This is too much!
My personal best would have been on a farm using the Automate mod, and then there's no need to leave space between kegs for pathing.

Firstly, I had 8 big sheds, at just over 200 kegs each, which is 1,600+. Then I had the quarry and bridge full, which is at least 500 kegs, probably slightly more. The desert was well over 1,000, although needed to leave a lot of space for accessing Oasis, Skull Cavern and the Trader. Smaller areas also used were the tunnel (about 180 iirc) and the road (approx 100). So I'd have been on 3,500+, and at that point I realised I had more kegs than I could reasonably keep full with crops.

This was before 1.5 and Ginger Island, which would enable you to keep many more kegs going, due to being able to grow outdoor crops all year round.
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A bit over 600 in the current save, which is not my record but I don't think I've ever broken 1000, pretty sure around 800 was my highest figure. Haven't played on a standard farm post-1.5 though so that would likely be why. I'm all about industrial wine complexes, though I am still hoping for automation like that which existed in that one mod, or conveyor belts to achieve the same thing, so that in vanilla you can fully automate the kegging process. A pipeline pipedream at this point, of course.


I voted 150 to 500 kegs per save.

I like doing various things during the day like socialising with town folks, fishing or foraging so I avoid spending a full day of gathering fruits and emptying/filling kegs.

Though I always come to have at least one hundred kegs to ensure a steady income, I like to define a guideline for all my farmers regarding how they make money and I dedicate most of the time for the day to that. For example, my fisherman farmer will spend most his time collecting roe from his ponds and filling jars, along with fishing accordingly to the weather/season. Kegs management comes second.
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Wow. That's kegs all over! I don't know if I could handle that. Even my 15 straight rows on the farm was a lot for me. That wine you see ready in the screenshot above has been ready for days. You can also see that my farm has gone to Iridium-sprinkled grass.