Issue Can anyone tell me what this means?


I am currently running Stardew Valley on Windows 10 Pro through Steam. I have also installed, along with some mods. I have used all these mods before and never had issues with it up until a few days ago when I try to load a save file the game freezes and then either completely closes or says it's not responding. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, using mods and not using mods and reinstalling all my mods. I just tried to reopen and got this error code, not sure if this could be my issues. But does anyone know what it means

[game] SContentLoadException: Error loading "Characters/Amanra": it isn't in the Content folder and no mod provided it.
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentManagers.GameContentManager.RawLoad[T](String assetName, LanguageCode language, Boolean useCache) in SMAPI\Framework\ContentManagers\GameContentManager.cs:line 236
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentManagers.GameContentManager.<>c__DisplayClass10_0`1.<Load>b__0() in SMAPI\Framework\ContentManagers\GameContentManager.cs:line 105
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Utilities.ContextHash`1.Track[TResult](T key, Func`1 action) in SMAPI\Framework\Utilities\ContextHash.cs:line 53
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentManagers.GameContentManager.Load[T](String assetName, LanguageCode language, Boolean useCache) in SMAPI\Framework\ContentManagers\GameContentManager.cs:line 0
at StardewValley.AnimatedSprite.loadTexture() in stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\AnimatedSprite.cs:line 163
at StardewValley.NPC.reloadSprite() in stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\NPC.cs:line 727
at StardewValley.SaveGame.loadDataToLocations(List`1 gamelocations) in stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\SaveGame.cs:line 2645
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<.cctor>b__277_0(Object obj)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)

[SMAPI] An error occurred in the overridden update loop: SContentLoadException: Error loading "Characters/Amanra": it isn't in the Content folder and no mod provided it.
at StardewValley.SaveGame.getLoadEnumerator(String file)+MoveNext() in stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\SaveGame.cs:line 1825
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.OnPlayerInstanceUpdating(SGame instance, GameTime gameTime, Action runUpdate) in SMAPI\Framework\SCore.cs:line 623


Ohh. I didn't know there was a specific place to post this issue. Still new to using forums. However, i do have that mod installed. Not sure if it was in my game when this started but i can try taking it oit and seeing if the game works
Ohh. I didn't know there was a specific place to post this issue. Still new to using forums. However, i do have that mod installed. Not sure if it was in my game when this started but i can try taking it oit and seeing if the game works
Forum wise; you're in the right place.
The website I linked is for posting the logfile. You copied a portion of it. But, sharing the full log is standard practice. Otherwise; there's a lot of extra back & forth for details.

You mention you have that mod "installed". But, SMAPI is crashing because it's not there. Possibly not loading; perhaps due to a dependency issue or something.
But, hard to say really without the full logfile.

Taking the mod out won't really do anything; since SMAPI can't find it in the first place.
It's crashing because the mod already wrote data to your save.
The fix would be that the save would need to be edited; or get the mod working again.


Oh alright. I actually just figured out how to do the log file, so i'll try updating that and see if i can get some answers on how to fix my game
Thanks, the log says there's a few mods you can update:
Consider updating these mods to fix problems:

Json Assets
+ [JA] Fantasy Crops
+ Bonster's Rare Crops
+ Even More Recipes for JsonAssets
+ More Food: A Collection of Recipes for JsonAssets

1.4.5 → 1.4.7
1.0.0 → 1.1.0
1.5.10 → 1.5.12
1.9.12 → 1.9.13

But, the Raffadax mod seems to load just fine.

I noticed in the log that it just cuts off before the save is loaded.
Did it crash? I'm not seeing an actual error, but it may just be an out of memory style issue with trying to load too many mods.

If you're able to; try loading the save normally & get the fresh logfile. As currently I don't see why it would give you the NPC error from your first post.


I tried updating the mods, haven't tried to reopen it yet. But basically when I did try before. It would load the smapi mods screen and show all the mods and stuff, and I would get the game to open, and get to the main screen. I click load and then click a save file and it would either just crash and close immediately where I was unable to look at the smapi thing to see errors, or it would show the blue spinning wheel of death and say it wasn't responding and make me force close it. I haven't ever had this issue before. But tomorrow I will try to reload it and comment back if updating has fixed the issue!


Latest log file, updating still didn't work. So I am going to try and get rid of my mods and download a select few and see if loading with less is the issue. It just sucks cause a few of the mods I have I want to use require a billion others to work. :(
