Solved Need help save crushing

save worked perfectly fine for some time but today it desided not to cooperate with me anymore and i don't understand what to do with it
when i try to load save it just throughs me back at the start screen other saves and new game works fine


Ура! Pусский игрок? Ну так:

Looks like SMAPI says the following:

19:38:51ERRORSMAPI These mods could not be added to your game.
19:38:51ERRORSMAPI - SMAPI 3.7.6 installer because it's an empty folder.
19:38:51ERRORSMAPI - Themed Catcrows because it's not a SMAPI mod (see for info).

which I would recommend the following to start with:
  1. Delete SMAPI 3.7.6 installer folder
  2. Delete/find a replacement for Themed Catrows. Its format is outdated and not supported anymore. Something similar may be found here if you are attached to the mod.
  3. Consider updating these mods to fix problems:

  4. Run the game again and post another SMAPI log if issues persist.