Who's worse, Pierre or Mayor Lewis?

One time I got fascinated by the way Caroline wanders around her vast empty living room so I stayed very late observing her bizarre behavior. I was appalled that after Pierre closed the store he just walked right past her to the kitchen with zero interaction. Have you ever seen them interact at all? And what in the world is his secret stash? Money? Drugs? The guy is weird.
And the mayor seems off as well. His statue. His sneaking around with Marnie. And how he stands by the counter of every business for hours one day each week? But he doesn't go to the hat mouse.
I think they are both full of themselves, shady, duty shirking, money grubbers. But. I don't dislike either of them! I think they are both complicated enough to be interesting. And they are both happy to see me.
The mayor loves peppers which are cheap and ever bearing. But Pierre loves fried calamari! So I think Pierre is worse. Hahaha!
Lewis. He doesn't seem to be a good person. He is keeping Marnie around as a toy. He won't date or acknowledge the relationship. He doesn't seem to be vested into the town either. He doesn't do much other than sell your produce, collect taxes and use gold to make life size replicas of himself. I mean sure he probably does more not mentioned in game but he has let so much go into disrepair that you should call his position in question
1. Not repairing the quarry
2. Not repairing the bus
3. Not repairing the community center
4. Not repairing the beach bridge.
5. Neglecting the sewers
6. Not cleaning up the environment or motivating anyone else (the homeless guy had to)
7. Not fixing roads to allow everyone to have town access(George must have problems being wheelchair bound)
8. Not maintains the mine elevators

Pierre's worse things are the heirloom mishap, the ??????, And the other is a being a word I'm not sure I can post forum but is to do with raising someone else's kid while being told it was your own (many people look at that as a sign of a fool). Yeah he may have concerns for Abigail but then again that's just a father being a dad.(a goofy movie reflects this well https://youtu.be/8B4t0nSQN1Q ) and it just seems to be her parents being protective but she doesn't understand it yet.

Lew Zealand

Zen said pretty much everything about Lewis. He should not need the Farmer to do all these jobs for him as he should at least be investing somewhat in local infrastructure. And it's not like he doesn't have the funds to do it as that solid gold Lewis probably wasn't created from thin air.

Though Lewis probably has some dirt on the Wizard (especially his interesting family connections) and one of the conditions of letting M. Ras keep his secrets and stay hidden in his condemned tower on the outskirts of town could be the creation of the Gold Statue. This is why the Junimos won't talk to the Wizard, as they see his innate connivingness and cozying up to local political power while the town and all its good people disintegrate away. They only open up to the Farmer as s/he hasn't yet been corrupted by the local regulatory scams.


I think Lewis is probably worse from a moral standpoint. He collects taxes and does nothing to help the town. The player ends up being the catalyst for change and repair. Lewis is corrupt. He plays with Marnie's emotions too which I don't appreciate.

Pierre is just a capitalist, though he is fairly greedy. I'm not major fans of either honestly -- or Clint for that matter.

Those three are my least favorite, but I don't hate them. I suppose one could argue that it would make the game less interesting if all the townsfolk were upstanding individuals.
I have mixed feelings about Shane, torn between hating his habits and he's trying to be a good guy. I just saw the sweetest heart even featuring him, so I am not too upset with him anymore. Even if his code does not make a massive change after the heart event, it's all good.

I actually don't dislike Pierre; sure, he is a capitalist and honestly there is nothing wrong with that. Pierre tries to be a good father to Abigail, and I have not generally seen Caroline even trying to help him, unless you count her complaining about Abigail's hair. He's managing 1 of 2 general stores and is under a lot of pressure. Who even knows how much his rent is...? Maybe I have not unlocked an event where Caroline does try to help. But all round he is trying. Who knows, maybe he suspected Caroline was unfaithful? It's irritating how much fire Pierre is always under for being a capitalist. The guy is running a business, heaven forbid he gets 1 day off a week too! Frankly, if you had to work those hours irl, I am sure you would not be overworked and tire.... right? And then Caroline is always making him cook dinner too! Why don't people get mad about her? There's a lot that I could say about this, some probably which I should not due to forum rules and just being polite. I try to see where the other person is coming from, if I can. I think people in general have overall lost the ability to see beyond themselves.

Mayor Lewis is a neglectful mayor and is overall creepy! I completely dislike his relationship with Marnie. She deserves so much better; it would be sweet if she got with Clint and they both would be happy. Also, if you are supposing that Lewis is something of a mob boss, don't those guys try to take as much money as they can get?


From an objetive pov:
- Pierre: has a business and tries to maximize his benefits. Sometimes he uses unethical ways like trying to sell for 10x the price or spaming your mailbox.
- Lewis: he is the mayor of the town. he should be working fixing the town stuff, yet he does nothing and you and the junimos are the ones who fix the town stuff, altho you cant fix the potholes or collect the from around pam's house. not to mention the stealing **** for his golden statue.

Lewis is much worse because he has a compromise with the people that he doesnt honor. hes like... well, a real life politician.
Lewis frustrates me because he claims that it would be detrimental for the town to know about his relationship with Marnie. Is there a law in Pelican Town that says the Mayor can't get married? Because it honestly seems like he's using that as an excuse.

Yeah, I agree it does seem like he is using it as an excuse. The people in Pelican Town would probably be super happy for the two of them, maybe even plan their wedding! It seems like Lewis has a problem with commitments and honoring his commitments....


I agree that Lewis is morally worse, since he's not actually doing his job at all, not to mention hiding his relationship with Marnie, which IMO really doesn't need to be hidden so it feels like an excuse.
That being said, Pierre taking credit for my crops really annoys me. For those who don't know, if you sell gold-quality produce straight to Pierre, there's a chance that NPCs will later say stuff like "Pierre grew this really good [whatever crop you just sold him], you've got competition!" which makes it clear that Pierre is pretending to have grown the crops himself. And that's not even a matter of him trying to make more money for his business, it's just straight-up lying to make himself look better.

Lew Zealand

I agree that Lewis is morally worse, since he's not actually doing his job at all, not to mention hiding his relationship with Marnie, which IMO really doesn't need to be hidden so it feels like an excuse.
That being said, Pierre taking credit for my crops really annoys me. For those who don't know, if you sell gold-quality produce straight to Pierre, there's a chance that NPCs will later say stuff like "Pierre grew this really good [whatever crop you just sold him], you've got competition!" which makes it clear that Pierre is pretending to have grown the crops himself. And that's not even a matter of him trying to make more money for his business, it's just straight-up lying to make himself look better.
Ah, but that's one of the guilty pleasures of the game.

Shipping Bin all your Silver and better quality produce and only sell Pierre the regular quality stuff, and then get those horrible comments from the townies about how Pierre's stuff is trash-quality. All the while, gifting the Iridium quality items directly to the people who love the stuff.

Now that puts an unnaturally big smile on my face.
This topic reminds me of my college's teenage summer Bible study and non-Christian philosophy class.
Some Christians would think that all human beings are sinners or evil. Others said it depends.
Based on Christian thought, I think that Pierre and Lewis are worse.

Let's be fair to them. I think all the NPC are equally worse in their way.
Being imperfect means that you are a normal human being. – I think it's a good thing.
Nobody is a good person.

If Lewis is a good mayor, SV would be very boring... That's why we need to spice up with scandal. Ahem.
If Pierre is a good person, I would not remember him...

Sometimes, I need to be angry at someone to remember the wrongdoing.
That's why the SV game makes a story about us.
If everything is all perfect and easy, we wouldn't appreciate the righteousness, honesty, and good deeds.

I do believe that Lewis and Pierre could be redeamable.
However, I would be furious at a person who is not making enough effort to personal growth.
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. And that's not even a matter of him trying to make more money for his business, it's just straight-up lying to make himself look better.
My in-laws will do that. My dad ran lines and got a boatload of catfish. He filled his freezer and had a fare amount left over. He asked me if anyone wanted any. Surprise in-law visit and FIL says he will taken. He an ice chest of them home and bragged to his neighbors telling them the secret of using red wrigglers.


Lewis, because of the way he treats Marnie.

I'm not holding the moneygrabbing against either of them -- I'm assuming the town was in a pretty bad shape before my farmer arrived, with no businesses except for Joja (so no taxes as they probably didn't pay), no customers for Pierre (as Joja could always offer lower prices), no customers for Willy, Clint desperate for ANY business at all, Marnie short for cash and probably not selling much... The town was dirt poor, and appeared to be cursed by both Junimos and Joja, not to mention Mr. Qi.

I mean, who would buy seeds from Pierre? There were no farmers. No wonder they didn't even open on Wednesday. They were hanging by a thread.

So, OK, I get that both are excited for finally start making some income and being able to expand.

But unless Linus is secretly Marnie's husband, the way Lewis treats her is absolutely abhorrent. WHY on earth would it be a scandal for them to acknowledge their relationship? Why is Lewis ashamed of Marnie?

I would really like to steal Marnie from him.


about lewis and marnie, if lewis straight said something like "im embarrassed that people know my personal life" i would understand, but he lies and fabricates some bs
Plus half the town already knows or suspects and guess what, they don't care! If anything, they only care because it's a secret! (Based on the cutscene you get if you get all the bachelorettes to 10 hearts and then go into Haley and Emily's house with a rabbit's foot.)