Issue PyTK 1.5.5 update?


Since the new update of SV, PyKT doesn't let me run SVE. I tried the unnoficial update but it continues saying that the version I have isn't compatible... I've read that the unnoficial works but I can't undarstand what I'm doing wrong...


Same! Without an updated PyTK version now I can't really play&enjoy the mods/game (with SVE etc) anymore. :> It says that it's incompatible.
This is the last and only issue (for me) so far.


I hope the unofficial mods end up working for you. :']
Yes they do <333
Right now I am searching for new nice farm layouts. Found Ace's Expanded Farms for example but it needs the MTN (More Than Necessary) Mod by SgtPickles which hasn't been updated for a long time :< Sad...I wonder if this will ever change...Would love to find a very big nice farm. *-*
Anyway, I am happy the rest works so fine now. :)