Favorite Seasons


Mine is spring because I like the crops that grow in spring the best and I like the foraging in spring.


Maybe I only feel this way because right now I'm in it, but I really like winter. Everything is finally quiet. The animals are cozy in their shelters, the bugs are gone, the weeds and trees are resting, and the world is bright, clear, clean, and tinkly from the ice. I really like finding crystal fruit and nautilus shells as well, and the submarine is cool.


Maybe I only feel this way because right now I'm in it, but I really like winter. Everything is finally quiet. The animals are cozy in their shelters, the bugs are gone, the weeds and trees are resting, and the world is bright, clear, clean, and tinkly from the ice. I really like finding crystal fruit and nautilus shells as well, and the submarine is cool.
There's a submarine?! I swear as soon as I think I know a bit about this game it feels like something else is revealed lol.


I'm really torn between fall and winter. Im going to have to go with fall but only because there's a variety of crops you can grow as opposed to winter unless..
you own the greenhouse
I love growing pumpkins :D especially because you can get a GIANT one! I kind of wish there were more fall flowers though...


There's a submarine?! I swear as soon as I think I know a bit about this game it feels like something else is revealed lol.
It's from the night market in Winter. If you head down to the beach and go to the left dock, there's a submarine that can take you down into the sea, and you can catch some cool fish!


My favorite season is spring, because for some reason I'm the most familiar with it. I know all the foragables, all the crops, and most of the fish. Second is probably winter since I dress fancier and don't look like a messy farmer!


Spring is definitely my fav! The bright colours plus the music really give me vibes of life and pure joy. Winter is probably second my second choice, again, because of how the music and stillness feel kinda magical.


Mines gotta be summer. It has an amazing set of crops, the colors are vibrant, and it has ice cream for sale!


I’m a fall girl for sure. The colors are burnt and toasty, the forage is pretty sweet too, everything starts winding down plus the festival is spooky fun!

Magically Clueless

Staff member
I would say fall and winter are my favorite. Fall gives some nice chill feelings, it's starting to get cold but you can still make tons of pretty crops, the falling leaves...

Winter is a favorite because of the festivals, the night market, and just the long nights and cool feelings it gives


I personally enjoy the Spring/Summer seasons in the game.
It gives me a sense of calmness, and just a pleasant aesthetic.
I love how the Tub O' Flowers/Seasonal flowers look in contrast with my farm, and just the overall way everything is so bright and welcoming!
Fall. There's something about it that I cannot get over and I always look forward to it arriving. I think because it reminds me of memories of fall when I was a kid in the mountains and it brings back certain smells, sounds, temperatures, the trees and sky...I miss it. We don't get a real fall here in the deep southeastern US.


Staff member
I like the game's spring colors the best, plus it always feel great on spring 1 each year after making it through winter and having everything be green again :)
It has to be fall or summer for me, that's a tough choice. I really like the OST of both seasons, "The Sun Can Bend an Orange Sky" is my favourite track of the whole game. And I also really like farming blueberries, hot pepper and melon and just overall the whole feeling off the season. Really makes me crave for summer.