New Universal Food Buff - Novelty


Right now, there are many, many types of food, but unfortunately, only a small number that are actually worth eating. Players will typically keep a speed buff active unless they need something specific, and ignore 90% of food in the game entirely.

I'd like to propose a new universal food buff; Novelty.

Basically, any time you eat a food you've never eaten before(a food with no other buffs), you get a brief Novelty buff, boosting the buffs of all other consumed foods by...something like 25%. So, say you eat a Blueberry Tart for the first time; for the next 30 seconds or so, any new buffs you add will get a 25% bonus. So +1 speed will be +1.25 speed. +5 luck will be +6.25 luck. And so on.

As time passes, and you work your way through the list, this buff will become more difficult to acquire, until you have eaten every kind of food; at that point, it highlights the 5 foods you haven't eaten in the longest, and eating any of them will now give you the same buff.

This way players are encouraged to constantly rotate their cooking, making different and interesting things!
I think that could actually backfire. Think about it, someone may decide to not eat those foods until they believe that temp/ 1 time use buff will be best exploited! This would deter people from eating those foods. And it sounds like you want those foods to have more purpose....
Maybe instead of it being for the first time you eat a dish, the small perk could be for when you eat a different dish, say one you have not had in an in-game week-month ~ish. That's just a ball park idea, as I am sure there could easily be a problem with that idea too...


That would be a extremely limited system as it would be exploited by the second or third year and no longer be useful afterwards
Well, they could still eat their 5 least-eaten foods.

I think that could actually backfire. Think about it, someone may decide to not eat those foods until they believe that temp/ 1 time use buff will be best exploited! This would deter people from eating those foods. And it sounds like you want those foods to have more purpose....
Maybe instead of it being for the first time you eat a dish, the small perk could be for when you eat a different dish, say one you have not had in an in-game week-month ~ish. That's just a ball park idea, as I am sure there could easily be a problem with that idea too...
Well, the issue is that people already don't eat those foods. Yeah, people might save them for special occasions, but that's just the nature of something being useful; people will save them and use them in specific ways.

Just a side effect of actually being useful, now :P


I like the idea! At the moment the way you propose it seems overly complicated in my opinion..

Maybe have it just be the last 5 in popularity you've eaten at all times?
Yeah, I still don't like the idea.... it probably just needs some more polishing
But, if your just going to exploit that people don't eat them, why make another reason to not eat them. (seriously shrugging cat emoji is a must)
I am still pondering @Wildebeest suggestion...
But this sounds like it would be a good mod idea... That way people can choose to apply it to their games or to not apply it.