I have objects to deliver to the museum but I give it and it does nothing, if I buy a game it is so that all its functions are available
tengo objetos para entregar al museo pero le doy y no hace nada, si compro un juego es para que todss sus funciones estén disponibles si no arreglan esto YA quiero el reembolso
Okay, first thing's first, in case you didn't know, the forum has an English only rule, with some areas listed as exceptions (just off the top of my head, one I know that has that is the Multiplayer: LFG section, because it is understood that you're possibly looking for folks that share a language with you).Subject line: objects cannot be delivered to the museum
I have objects to deliver to the museum but I give it and it does nothing, if I buy a game it is so that all its functions are available if they do not fix this I ALREADY want a refund
Hace menos de un mes jugué y funciona para donar objetos al museo pero de repente dejó de funcionar, he empezado un nuevo juego y todavía no funciona me acerco al mostrador hago clic en ghunter y no hace nada y trato de golpea los periódicos lo que está en el mostrador y tampoco funciona
Buddy, the admin/mods are gonna bust you if you don't start translating into English.Less than a month ago I played and it works to donate objects to the museum but suddenly it stopped working, I have started a new game and it still does not work I go to the counter I click on ghunter and it does nothing and I try to hit the newspapers what is on the counter and it doesn't work either